I Like To WOW But We Also Have Un-Wow’s (Yes, I Admit It)
My business model has always been “Powered By My Clients Success.” As cliché as it sounds, my coach told me 5 years ago that if I wanted to be in business and be the best, success would never be defined by how much money I made, but rather how much success my clients have. Success can be defined in many different ways. For some it’s being able to retire, being able to double their business, having more free time, having more family time, more hedging, or the ability to buy their first property.
To be honest, the speaker industry is often measured by price per head. For example, if there are 100 people in the room, each person has a monetary value called “Butts in the Seats.” I have never in my whole speaking career measured our event success by that, even though that is the way I was first taught. I find that it is quite repulsive and offensive. Instead, I quickly learned that even if just one client was to succeed in a room of 100, that was massive for my brand and for future opportunities. Of course, the idea is not to get just 1 person to show. Ideally you would like to get 100, but it would be naive Continue reading →