Does Super Bowl Marketing Work?

Should you Create Your Own Super Bowl Super Campaign?
In the US, there really isn’t anything bigger than the Super Bowl. It is one of the most celebrated days that isn’t actually a holiday. The Super Bowl has become one of the most entertaining events of the year, regardless if you actually like football or not. For all the non-football lovers, there is always a show-stopping halftime show. Last year, the halftime literally stopped the game, as the power in the stadium went out as a result of the power that was used to light up Beyonce. The other aspect that keeps people entertained are the commercials. The Super Bowl may be the one time during the year where people will actually tune in just to watch the commercials. In 2014, the average 30 second commercial went for 4 million dollars, and most of the big-time, national commercials are 60 seconds, running them anywhere from 7 to 10 million dollars for one commercial!!
Is it actually worth it?
Year after year, the key players keep coming back and spending the money so there has to be something to it, but where is the return on 4 million dollars? Over the past 5 Super Bowls, there has been an average of 105 million viewers, which in media terms works out to about $40 CPM (meaning that for every $40 spent that commercial is seen by 1,000 people). In marketing terms, that’s a pretty great rate to command such a large audience‘s attention. But you have to make an impact…otherwise your dollars were wasted!
If all the “big boys” of a Continue reading