Does Super Bowl Marketing Work?

Should you Create Your Own Super Bowl Super Campaign?

In the US, there really isn’t anything bigger than the Super Bowl. It is one of the most celebrated days that isn’t actually a holiday. The Super Bowl has become one of the most entertaining events of the year, regardless if you actually like football or not.  For all the non-football lovers, there is always a show-stopping halftime show. Last year, the halftime literally stopped the game, as the power in the stadium went out as a result of the power that was used to light up Beyonce. The other aspect that keeps people entertained are the commercials.  The Super Bowl may be the one time during the year where people will actually tune in just to watch the commercials. In 2014, the average 30 second commercial went for 4 million dollars, and most of the big-time, national commercials are 60 seconds, running them anywhere from 7 to 10 million dollars for one commercial!!

Is it actually worth it?
Year after year, the key players keep coming back and spending the money so there has to be something to it, but where is the return on 4 million dollars? Over the past 5 Super Bowls, there has been an average of 105 million viewers, which in media terms works out to about $40 CPM (meaning that for every $40 spent that commercial is seen by 1,000 people). In marketing terms, that’s a pretty great rate to command such a large audience‘s attention.  But you have to make an impact…otherwise your dollars were wasted!

If all the “big boys” of a Continue reading

Do you deserve a gold medal?

What do the Olympic Athletes and Successful Business owners have in common? Vision, Planning, Sacrifice, and Determination!!

You need to look at yourself and your business and ask yourself this following question: are you willing to do what it takes to win a Gold Medal in Business? So many people often want to know how have I been able to achieve all the success that I have at such a young age…well it’s the same ingredients that make an Olympic Gold Medalist.


I always have a vision and know where I am going.  It’s not just a vision of where I am going tomorrow or next month; it’s the next 6 months, next year, and the next 10 years.  You have to know exactly where you want to be; otherwise you won’t know how to get there. I know exactly where I want to be in 5 years, how many businesses I want to own, and how many people I want to help make successful.  So I know what I need to do in order to get there.  What is yo Continue reading

JT Foxx Apologizes to Jacquelyn Lynn

When cooler heads prevail everyone wins.   Over the past few months there has been a war that is ongoing between Jacquelyn Lynn and I over comments posted on her blog.  I had originally considered these comments to be defamatory and false about my business and myself.  I do have one of the best legal teams that money can buy, and I pride myself on that fact.  My initial reaction was to make an example of Ms. Lynn, so others wouldn’t attempt to do the same things she had.  The first blog that she has written wasn’t actually a conspiracy against me as I had imagined but was in face complimentary about my SEO Strategy.  The first amendment does provide protection for freedom o Continue reading

Successful Business Trends for 2014

Over 87% of businesses, start ups, or people who plan on starting a business as of today have no strategic growth blueprint plan. Here are the things that are holding them back according to my surveys:

1)  Economic Fears

2)  Lack of Branding

3)  No Marketing Plan

4)  No Passive income Plan

5)  Lack of Focus

6)  Lack of Capital

7)  No accountability

All this stops now… I am going to personally help you by sharing my plans I already have underway as of this morning. Here is my focus: Click here to learn all of this in person Continue reading

There is a Mandela Inside Us All — Tomorrow’s Leader is You

Being successful is not easy, being a leader is not easy, and not getting torn down by negative friends or the media is even harder. My coaches have always told me that there is a lot of room at the top, but it’s the bottom that’s crowded. We have two choices in life, we can either live in an ocean of sameness or a lake of differentiation. The world, your country, and even your local community hungers for the next leader and after reading this article I am hoping it will be you. Being a leader is not easy and no one has been a better example of what a leader should exemplify than Nelson Mandela. A man who didn’t only inspire a country but a global world and the minds, hearts, and souls of billions. So what does it take to be a leader? Here are 5 transformational lessons that can turn you into the next leader Continue reading

Nelson Mandela God’s Angel

I am so sad as I woke up this morning in South Africa to terrible news, the death of Nelson Mandela.

God has called one of his angels back but his legacy does not end with his passing but forever will live in our hearts, minds and soul.

I have learned so much from this man since coming to this country 8 months ago and I promise to carry his vision and message to entrepreneurs all over the country and world with the same passion, love and forgiveness.

He is my hero, thank you South Africa.

JT Foxx

Follow Mega Partnering 8 Live & Win

We have over 800 high level A-players here right now, and you are missing!! There are billionaires, celebrities and business tycoons walking around. The level of excitement is like nothing I have ever seen. We have over 32 countries represented here.

Follow us live & win

I want to share with you pictures, video’s, and backstage video/footage that I will be taking and sharing with you exclusively.

Step 1: Follow us on Twitter @MegaPartnering & @JTFoxx

Step 2: Like the Mega Partnering Fan Page

Step 3: Retweet, share, comment, & post. Whoever retweets, shares, comments, and posts the most on Facebook, they will get the opportunity to win the following prizes for Mega Partnering 9 that will be announced soon. Tag everything with #MegaPartnering

Prizes (The top 3 winners will be able to pick)

1. Free 1-1 Coaching with the top wealth coach in the world JT Foxx

2. VIP Tickets for Mega Partnering 9 (Biggest guests ever and by invitation only)

3. Video library of all the past Mega Partnerings we have.

If you are at the event and are a winner you will also get to ask Randi Zuckerberg a question!

We need your help. We want to get #MegaPartnering trending on Twitter and on Facebook all over the world. We have 3 people monitoring everything to ensure we pick the right people to win. Winners will be announced on twitter and Facebook, so it will be great branding for you.

I am sorry you are not here… we are already half way through the bonus day on the first day and people are saying they have met amazing people to partner with, its the best content they have heard, and the experience is just amazing. I can’t wait until Jack Welch and Zuckerberg go on stage!!

You can also check past video at

Wish you were here with us!!

Don’t forget #MegaPartnering

JT Foxx Complaints, Lawsuit Talk, and of course… the Haters!

Being successful is not easy. It seems everyone is rooting for you on the way up and once you make it, everyone wants to see you fall. I have always said that when someone can’t do something themselves they want to tell you that you can’t do it. Well on Sunday I saw a twitter blog post from Richard Branson explaining why he loves Necker island and he doesn’t do it to evade taxes. After reading this I was positive that this was an answer to some kind of attack. Well.. my gut instinct was right and sure enough, the Daily Mail in the UK did a whole piece on how Richard Branson evades taxes.  The article went viral and now, Richard has to defend himself.

Yes I have been sued, but what successful person hasn’t?  I live in America where everyone sues everyone for any reason and less than 98% actually go to trial. My coach, who has been with Donald Trump for 40 years, says that if you haven’t been sued you haven’t done any business.  What people claim in the initial suit is never what ends up actually being admissible in court.  What people never report is that I win these lawsuits because I refuse to settle and I will fight it to the end because I don’t believe in paying extortion money.

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JT Foxx’s Real Name?

There is a rumor going around saying that JT Foxx is not my real name. Well I am looking at my passport and looking at my drivers license and they both say….. JT FOXX.

Mystery solved…lol
Why are people doing this… because….


Important Lessons From Trump

As you probably know, I have a very close and special relationship with the Trump family. Eric Trump and I have partnered on MANY projects, especially when it comes to various charities, such as the Eric Trump Foundation which helps support the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital to find cures for children with cancer.

Over the years, I’ve watched the Trump family with close eyes and have walked away with several key insights that any person walking down the path to success should take to heart.

Here are some of the most important lessons I’ve learned from Trump that will directly apply to you as well.

#1: Fail Forward

Failure is NOT something you should fear. Failure is something you should look forward to so you can learn from your mistakes, make sure you don’t repeat them, and tweak your approach for the next effort. Success takes time and does not happen overnight, regardless of what many “overnight millionaires’ will tell you. It’s the results of YEARS of failures, followed by getting back up again and trying again.

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