J.T. Foxx Signs a BIG Radio Deal with KABC

Hey everyone, yes it is official I have just signed a BIG radio deal with KABC 790am in LA (which is heard in all of Southern California from San Diego to way past LA). LA is the # 2 radio market in the country and it is an honor to be on such a big station like KABC. I have been doing radio for a little over two years now and everyone told me that national syndication would be impossible and here we are. It is ironic that the more people tell me that something can’t be done the bigger and bigger I do it. This goes from real estate, business to radio. This new opportunity will benefit all of you too because through this avenue I will be able to get even bigger guests and connections
which will benefit you at my events. This new outlet will draw in more people to network with and hopefully allow us to take this thing of ours even bigger. The show will be heard on Saturday 8am pacific time for Southern Californians and my Chicago show will be still heard at 10am central time in Chicago. You can also stream my show online at www.jtfoxxshow.com or www.KABC.com. Thank you for all your support and please spread the word and keep listening.

J.T. has the trip to Remember in Californication Land- Day 1

Hey everyone I just got back from California and boy did I have the time of my life. I will give you a day to day rundown of what happened and certain lessons I learned along the way

Day 1-Thursday

3:30am: Get up and get ready to go to the airport. Bye the way 3:30am is way too early

4:00am: Leave for O’Hare to catch a plane

5:15am: At the airport try and returning 121 important emails I got the night before (Only got 24 done)

5:50am: Plane takes off for San Diego

10:00am-: Planes land in San Diego after a brief layover in LA

11:00am: Check in to the Hyatt Mission Bay which was AWSOME. Got a free upgrade by telling the front desk lady she had pretty eyes. I had a huge corner suite room overlooking the San Diego bay. Lesson here, treat everyone with respect and go out of your way to compliment people. Remember you always get a lot more with honey.

12:00pm: Drive to Anaheim to Angels Stadium. The LA Angels own 830am in Southern California, which is one of the stations I was trying to strike a deal with. Their offices are in Angel’s stadium so I got a super VIP deal tour of the stadium visitors’ club house as well as the Angels lockrer room. I even got to go on the field. This was an awesome experience that I will never forget. I remember thinking not bad for a real estate investor who no one thought would make it. Below I have included two videos of the experience.

Video two visiting club house

4:30pm: After the exclusive tour I fight traffic to go to KABC in LA, to see what they will offer me. I meet three of my mentoring students there to share the moment with them and have meetings with them. My mentoring students and I get an exclusive tour of the radio station which houses some of LA biggest personalities and ESPN radio. Before I go in into my meetings I have a quick meeting with my mentoring students and all three have a deal they want to talk to me about. The deal is out in La Jolla in San Diego. It is ironic that three of my mentoring students are chasing the same deal. I am not sure if this is fate or simply bad deal that is being shopped around. I commit to go see it the next morning.

5:15pm: Go into the office of KABC and really in 10 minutes we both realized that we are a perfect fit for each other. They are super excited to have me on their station. We shake hands take pictures and talk about the future. They also invite me to the Luxury suite box at Dodgers Stadium. I accept and find it really cool that in one day I would have been in two major league Baseball Parks.

6:00pm: I fight LA traffic all the way to Dodger stadium. LA TRAFFIC SUCKS…..

7:10pm: Great weather for a baseball game

9:30pm: To cap off a wonderful day I end up catching a beaming foul ball in the Luxury suites. That is good luck I am sure! What are the odds of that? To make it even better I end up on TV and the crowd is cheering me on. I will never forget this day as long as I live and I am very thankful for everything I have and the gifts that I possess I am not able to share with my students.

12:30am: Finally get back to the hotel and pass out with my clothes.

Another Day to Remember

Day 2:

7:00am: Wake up and I already have real estate and business on the brain. I am calling all my San Diego contacts to take a look at some deals today and want to get more info on the area and market.

11:00am: I take two of my mentoring students along for the ride to come see me evaluate and negotiate the deal that has been presented to me. The deal is right downtown La Jolla on Ocean Dr. I am told that the deal is worth 850K and the seller is very motivated because he wants to move to China in 3 days. We take a tour of the property, the location is amazing, the unit has been remodeled and the seller seems nice and very motivated. We sit down on the couch and proceed to talk to him for 45 minutes without mentioning a word about price. Want to hear to what happened??? Click the video’s below for the result of my La Jolla negotiation and one the funniest video’s you will watch.

3:30pm: But before that WE RAN OUT OF GAS in my mentoring students car.

Video 1: When we actually run of Gas on a bridge

Video 2: The part where he refuels up and listen to one of comments a driver makes as he passes bye. It is so funny.

Video 3: The students talk about the deal in La Jolla they came back from and what happen in the negotiations.

6:00pm. Dinner with a very successful commercial real estate investor and his wife.

More Deals & Meetings

Day 3-4

I spent the next 2 days looking at deals, meeting with mentoring students and speaking in Anaheim. To any of my new students, welcome! Welcome to the family and I am sure together you are going to do great things. There is no greater time to get your American Dream started or take your business game to the next level. Remember success it not a matter of chance but a matter of choice.

FYI: I just want to write and say thanks to my student Zen who waited in line to get me the new iPhone as a gift. Now that is commitment…lol.
Remember guys the 2 day events in Irvine 16th-17th, Chicago 22nd-23rd and Atlanta 6th-7th. All are welcomed and brings lots of guest too.

Now I am back to Chicago, looking at deals and planning the future for all of us. I am taking all of you along for the ride to sit tight and buckle up, we are going for a wild ride with hopefully many stops in between to the bank.

The Future of Real Estate?

Start thinking Big Guys cause this is what the future looks like. I am not sure how realistic it is but I can see a huge demand for this. I bet you they will be doing this in Dubai first. With all their oil money I am sure they can afford it. I am thinking about going down in October to check it out. I am writing this blog from the plane and its 5:55am. We are taking it off in 3 minutes and I am being yelled out for writing this. I am on my way to San Diego, Orange County and LA for 5 days. Got to go…….

Looks like Radio Does Pay!!!!

Conservative political commentator Rush Limbaugh struck a mighty rich renewal deal with Clear Channel!

The radio giants are paying the Right’s top media man $400 million to host his conservative talk show til 2016.

Limbaugh reaches an audience of nearly 20 million listeners. His program is syndicated on about 600 radio stations nationwide.

In a recent magazine interview, Limbaugh shows off his biz acumen. He says, First and foremost Im a businessman. My first goal is to attract the largest possible audience so I can charge confiscatory ad rates. I happen to have great entertainment skills, but that enables me to sell airtime.b

So should I consider stopping investing in real estate? Nawwwww I love in too much and Radio is very political and dramatic. I love radio but my but heart is still in real estate in business. I bet by 2016 we will have surpassed Rush. So get the education and lets get started we have a lot of work till then. Bye the way everyone told Rush he would never make it….. Sounds familiar!!!


Hey guys I am writing this to you from Orlando Florida, where I am at the Poolside writing my new Program “Get Noticed or Die Broke. How to Promote Yourself to Millions.” The only way I could write this program is to do it away from the office because when I am there it impossible to get anythign done. Unlike other speakers I do not sub out the work or get ghost writers. I believe that every program should come from the heart, because only then is it trully effective. With that being said. I hate writing them though. It is like writing 10 terms papers in a row..lol. I get back to Chicago on Thursday night so I will do the the teleconference then and that also applies to my mentoring student. Click on Event calendar and click on the the July 3 to get the number for the teleconference, or just check your email. Have yourself a great day and don’t be shy send me some ideas for my blog.

J.T. Foxx

Creative Ways To Sell Your Home in Today's Market

I am all about creative when it comes to investing in real estate but there are some people who push the enveloped a little too far. Check out this story.

Single mom selling Fla. home, heart online
She’s tried night clubs and online dating sites, but now a 42-year-old single mother is looking for love where everyone else’s heart is breaking – the real estate market.

Click here for details