JT Foxx Extorted

Today I am sadly disappointed. No good deed goes unpunished I guess. About 30 days ago an individual attempted to extort $90,000 from me via his attorney claiming that if we did not pay him, he would sue and go to the media on behalf of his daughter. Ironically today I get a call from a reporter asking about a frivolous accusation from a raging jealous father looking to make a quick buck hoping I will settle so I can avoid any embarrassment from these made up claims. How ironic.

We are planning to sue for upwards of 5 million dollars and looking into going to the federal authorities to expose such outrageous frivolous hurtful allegations and extortion.

Many people in my position would pay hush money to make it go away even though they are innocent, but it my case I plan on using the fullest extent of the law at my disposal to send a message that no one should be extorted falsely and expect to profit from it.

Of course no one will print my side of the story because the truth never makes good headlines. Even after you do offer a comment, they don’t print it.

Stay tuned, I will be posting more details in the coming days as they develop…

In The Life of JT Foxx

Hello from my Marketing Mastermind

I’m writing this email from the best marketing mastermind in the world surrounded by 25 of the top info-marketers in business today. I’m learning so much, and it’s so fun being around people who can share ideas and strategies. It’s the best $25,000 I’ve ever spent.

I’ll be introducing this group to you, because many of those people from the mastermind will be speaking at Mega Partnering IV or will be in the audience learning and networking with the world’s greats.

Here are the three best things I learned from the mastermind:

Google Slaps: I am not sure if you know this but Google has become very strict on business opportunity websites that advertise on their search engine. If they don’t like your website they can slap you forever from advertising with them. It was my understanding before that they really didn’t like Opt-in boxes. The idea of an Opt-In box is to capture the information. Especially if you are spending a lot of money on getting names for your list, you want to make sure that you capture their information.

Well I found in the mastermind, that is if ok to have opt-in boxes, the key is to have other places where they can navigate around the website, and that you have an address at the bottom of your page. Those little changes make you Google compliant. That is great to know cause that changes the game entirely.

One of the things that makes me different than all the other marketers is that I attract a lot of high end entrepreneurs. I love A-Players and people who truly have the passion to succeed. (Not the tire kickers who are waiting for the government to help them become rich.)

Well the financial market is a billion dollar industry and they are very specific on what they are looking for. So one of the very effective things to generate leads is to create a financial report. By December I will create one the best financial insider reports in the business. I believe in my long term strategy is that it will attract a lot of high end networking opportunities for all my students. (Myself included.) It could take future Mega Partnering events to even a greater levels. I have bought a few reports from potential competitors to understand their funnel. I often buy products and services just to see their marketing funnel and what their marketing looks like. You can learn a lot from other successful marketers. Considering how much money they spend, that is a good bet.

I didn’t even know this site existed but Fiverr.com. Everything is 5 bucks. I think I am addicted to that site. I did a British voiceover for my radio show, I did 5000 likes on my fan page, I did 130 backlinks for some of my Domains… ALL FOR 5 BUCKS. I love it. I also bought a report for 5 bucks on the best Fiverr providers. That saved me a lot of time also. It is an amazing resource.

I have another 97 nuggets I learned at this marketing mastermind. I will be sharing many more ideas at Mega Partnering IV at the end of the month.

[Time Sensitive] Mega Partnering IV, caught on tape!

I hope you’re having an amazing week.

I spent the last few days recouping from my world tour travels to Australia immediately after Mega Partnering IV.

It’s an amazing thing – one day I’m on stage in Chicago with Rudy Giuliani, the next in Australia with my friend and gold medal Olympian, Steven Bradbury.

Honestly, I’m still fired up with ENERGY from last week’s massive conference in Chicago where 600 of my closest friends joined me for an INCREDIBLE few days!

At Mega Partnering IV the world’s most powerful people revealed their secrets to fame, fortune, relationships, money, leadership, and success.

If you were there, you experienced the massive transformational value first hand.

If you missed it, well, you missed out big!

Fortunately, I’ve gone to great expense to capture, on high quality video, the excitement and insights shared at Mega Partnering IV for you to re-live the MEGA experience.

Today I’m making you a special “pre-production” offer to save $300 on these recordings, but you have to act FAST because this substantial discount ends at 11:59 pm Eastern on Tuesday.

You can get all the details here…


The event featured the “Who’s Who” in business, leadership, real estate, and marketing including:

* “The Mayor Of The World”, Rudy Giuliani.
* Bestselling Author of Top Grading, Brad Smart.
* My coach and legendary businessman, Nido Qubein.
* Marketing Genius, Jay Abraham.
* Even a surprise visit from Oprah’s significant other, Stedman Graham.

And that’s just the start of the line up.

Here’s just some of what you’ll discover on the DVDs.

* Building a lasting brand and becoming the undisputed expert in your industry practically overnight.
* Beyond the box thinking and creating breakthroughs.
* Easy to implement internet marketing strategies to dominate your competition.
* Creating strategic partnerships and alliances for rapid exponential business growth.
* How to create success through diversity, and the power of identifying who you are for ultimate freedom.
* The secrets to developing persistence, attitude, and boundless energy.
* The power of focus and how to defeat being overwhelmed.
* Instant credibility builders and how to surround yourself with important people.
* Big picture thinking and how to “get things done!”

And much more!

Mega Partnering was an incredible event and total WOW experience. Here’s your chance to re-create the magic and master the strategies taught by experts who don’t just teach this stuff ­ they live it.

Imagine the difference in your income and your life once you apply the strategies of these top performers. Picture yourself as a peak performer ready to conquer any challenge. See yourself as the champion you truly are!

Again, this “pre-production” offer ends tonight. Don’t wait. After today I’ll take them off the market until their ready to ship and increase the price.

Get the details and take action now:

You’ve got to act fast, because I’m taking this offer down Tuesday (November 15th) and once we make these videos available to the public the price goes WAY up!

Reserve your copy today!

Reach for the stars,
JT Foxx

Subject: JT Foxx Best Coach in the World

JT Foxx as a coach is beyond incredible! As a creative genius, he is unparalleled, however, his coaching is not just theoretical. He authoritatively speaks as someone who has achieved great success in business. On a personal level, he quickly grasps situations and formulates individualized plans. He has helped me grow my business tremendously already, and has just formulated an amazing prescription to take my business to the next level and beyond. What a great resource! Anyone who has the opportunity will benefit tremendously from his coaching. Now is the time to sieze the opportunity! My business will never be the same in both my practice and in real estate. He is worth every penny and then some.

Dr. John R

In The Life of JT Foxx (Trump, Mega & Warren Buffet)

I’m writing this post from the Four Seasons in NYC where I just finished my meeting with Eric Trump.  Eric is not only a friend, but one of the nicest guys around. He’s smart, down to Earth, and we really click.

He invited me to his charity event for St. Jude and I am very excited to attend. Just Google “Eric Trump Foundation” and you can get all the details.

(As I write this email former Governor of NY Eliot Spitzer is at the hotel and so are a few high class call girls. Hmmmmm… I am not sure if there is a connection there.)

I am also working on a deal to expose all of you to Eric in the very near future, so stand by for that

A lot of you were asking about pictures from my trip last month to Greece and pictures of my dog Mr. Puppy. You can find them here: www.MegaPartnering.com/mylife

Retirement & Final Tour

Wow, what a tour it has been! So far the turn out has been better than expected.

Donny Deutsch was amazing in NY, Michael Gerber from the E-Myth, and Stanley cup winner Theo Fleury were inspiring.

Everyone really liked the picture opportunities, but more importantly it has brought together a lot quality people to network.

Remember success is not what you know or who you know, but who knows you.

Here are the final dates of the tour. We are almost sold out, so sign up today. It’s free. All we ask is a refundable seat deposit:

  • Chicago – September 9-10 with Stedman Graham (Oprah’s Boyfriend)
  • Toronto September 23-25 with Brian Tracy and Debbie Travis (The Canadian Martha Stewart)
  • Los Angeles  October 1-2 with Dave Hester from AE Storage Wars (The Yuuuuup  Guy)
  • Dallas October 8-9 with Surprise Guests
  • Denver – October 13-14 with George Ross (Trump’s # 1 Guy)

Register at www.Top1JT.com.

I am very excited to have Stedman Graham join us because you know we are going to get Oprah at one of the Mega Partnering events in the coming years. Also, Stedman is on the board of High Point University. You can thank Nido, my coach, for making this happen.

I spoke to him on the phone and he is one smart business guy. You will learn a lot from him. It’s funny how life works; you never know who you are going to meet.

Mega Partnering IV (Over 97% SOLD)

We are two months away and almost sold out. We were able to get more space from the hotel so if you haven’t bought your seat yet, you’ll be missing out on the biggest event of your life.

700 of the most successful people will be there and I want you there, too.

All of my coaches will be there, all of the coaches who work for me will be there, and anyone I do business with will be there. This is the Super Bowl of all events and to think that the first Mega Partnering had only 150 people. It’s the event I am most excited about. When I look at my success it all comes from relational capital and infiltrating circle of influence.

Trust me when I tell you, Mega Partnering IV is where you want to be if you want to meet A-Players.

If you want one of the last few seats go to www.MegaPartnering.com.

We have already started working on the next Mega Partnering with Warren Buffet. Stay tuned for details. I know how to get to his heart, now we just have to put the pieces around him. Are you excited yet?

Real Estate Deals I am Working On? 

I am on hold from buying deals to work on the deals we acquired over the last few months. It’s just overwhelming the amount of great deals out there.

Success Series Webinar Started

On Wednesday we started the first Success Series Webinar. Every week you get to hear from people like Nido, Rudy Giuliani and all the other headliners of Mega Partnering IV.

The idea is to educate you and give you insights from the world’s # 1 wealth networking conference. It’s also a good way to build relationships with these A-listers since you will be meeting them at Mega Partnering IV. Below is the list of the speakers and when you’ll hear from them.

  • Nido Qubein – September 7
  • Rudy Giuliani – September 14
  • Ryan Deiss – September 17
  • Mary Ellen Tribby – September 29
  • Brad Smart – October 12
  • JT Foxx – October 19

Also, if you missed this past Wednesday’s call with the great Anthony Sullivan, who was Billy Mays’ partner and star of the discovery show “PitchMen,” you’ll have the chance to hear the replay when you register for the calls.

You can join us on the Expert Success Series here:


The Thing I am Most Disappointed About?

The US economy. I have businesses all over the world and I am so frustrated at the mindset of the American people (the root of which is partly the media and Congress). If you take a look at the last quarter’s earnings of major corporations, you will see they are making record profits. One of the biggest problems we are experiencing in the United States is that the market is not rational. It’s very irrational and emotional. We are like a congested highway right now as a country, and even the world. We need to get our foot off the brakes and just go. Put our head down and plow ahead. It won’t be easy, but if you outwork your competition, you will be successful; you can’t fail.

What My Coaches Taught Me This Month

Nido: Focus on developing and maintaining key relationships. Remember 90% of your income will come from 10% of your relationships. With your hedge fund starting you will need to keep a solid core around you. Within that core, you will grow towards the level I know you can. Remember the more you make people successful around you the more successful you will become. You are sitting on a goldmine, just make sure you share it with many.

Jay Abraham: One of your greatest strengths is your ability to monetize relationships as evidenced by Mega Partnering and all the successful people you are able to connect and do deals with. Look at what Henry Kissinger is doing, and you need to create a relational capital firm just like that. When we spend all day coaching this week we will mastermind further.

George Ross: Share your organization before you start your hedge fund. I agree with Nido, you are sitting on a goldmine, but having a hedge fund will create new pressure and responsibilities. Work on your systems and process like Donald did and you will enjoy its fruits for many years to come.

Jeff and Ken (Internet marketing coach): Generating leads should be your only focus. Generating leads is not like it used to be, and you need to nurture your list with the same “Wow” you have at your events.

Coach Mark: JT you are big target now because you are doing what most people can’t.  So people will make up things about you and talk because that’s what success brings. Suck it up, focus on your business, your students and those close to you, and you will come up on top. I know it sucks but that’s the world we live in.

Upcoming Events

  • 09.10.11 JT Foxx Farewell Tour Chicago with Stedman Graham (Oprah BF)
  • 09.23.11 JT Foxx Farewell Tour Toronto with Brian Tracy, Debbie Travis
  • 10.01.11 JT Foxx Farewell Tour Los Angeles with Dave Hester (AE Storage Wars)
  • 10.08.11 JT Foxx Farewell Tour Dallas with A-list Surprise
  • 10.13.11 JT Foxx Farewell Tour with George Ross
  • 10.27.11 Mega Partnering IV in Chicago with Rudy Giuliani & my coach Nido
  • 12.01.11 Billionaire Experience in NYC with George Ross

Visit www.Top1JT.com for more info on the farewell tour.

Visit www.MegaPartnering.com.

Visit www.BillionaireExperience.com

Please pass on this email to other people you know and tell them about my events. I really want to see you there. Please come to support me and I will be there to support you, always.

Contact Paige at (877) 272-3031 x413 for details on any of the events above.

I hope this update on my life was useful. Every month I will be posting with more updates. The idea is to give. I am here to live and serve you because together we are the difference in each other success.

Reach for the Stars,

JT Foxx

P.S. Add yourself to my Facebook page and see the cutest picture of Mr. Puppy ever. Mr. Puppy is my dog.

P.P.S. Visit if you missed last month email on “My life” visit www.askjtfoxx.com.

Who would like to increase your sales and results by $1 million? (Must Read Article)

My Secret To Selling Like CRAZY!!!

Here’s a strategy that will:

1.    Increase sales…

2.    Allow you to make more profitable sales…

3.    But more importantly increase the lifetime value of your client.

I call my successful technique ” specific relevance strategy.

Whew, that’s a mouthful. Don’t let that throw you. It’s so simple it would be foolish not to use it. Simply, it means moving up prospects’ value chain.

We’re all aware that the investor is typically the hated one viewed as the predatory shark, the bottom feeder who prays on the misfortune of others.  One reason for this (a big reason) is that most investors:

1.  Thank transactional as opposed to transformational. All they do is SELL, SELL, SELL…

2.  Don’t know their prospects or market segments.

3. Aren’t tuned into their prospects’ unique position and needs within their specific segments. (Bottom line they don’t add value to their clients.)

In other words, they don’t want “cheaper, faster, better.” Everybody sells that. People in today’s market want services that allow them to sleep better at night. You never sell the product, you sell the advantages, protection, enrichment and safety your product or investments provides.

Instead, learn to sell and to deliver those products or investments that prospects thinks about and keep them awake nights. Sell them and make them see you are a risk manager first. Learn to monetize the value of services to prospects. Impress prospects with your hard-earned, specialized knowledge. Seek to become a networking partner instead of just another investor.

That carries a heavy responsibility, of course. Deliver on every promise and include some nice unexpected service surprises along the way and let the prospect know about it. That strengthens the prospects’ perception that they made the right choice.

Want to know what prospects think of when they wake up? It’s powerful information to have during the sales process and the key to making a sale each and every time. But most importantly, you need to go to bed knowing you gave your client and prospect exactly what he needs and wants and only then will you sleep like a champ every night. When you wake up you know you helped someone. (And your bank account will grow every morning… GUARANTEED.)

At Mega Partnering IV, on the bonus day October 27 I will be spending 5 hours talking to you how to become a master sales person just like I have become. 6 years ago I used to stutter, now some consider me one of the world’s top salespeople. Here is the secret, I don’t sell, I add value… the sales come naturally.

Reach for the stars,

JT Foxx

P.S. I am also going to have my # 1 marketing guy and copywriter from my office teach you how to create copywriting that sells. I am counting down the days www.megapartnering4.com

P.P.S. I wrote this copy myself 🙂