Foreclosed over a Parking Ticket?

Crazy Cat

The city of Milwaukee foreclosed on a person with physical and emotional issues over a PARKING ticket. Yes, you read right a parking ticket…lol.

Peter Tubic, parked an unlicensed van in his parents driveway and had his house foreclosed upon over what was originally a $50 fine.

I guess the city Milwalkee must be real desperate . You things are good when people are being foreclosed over a parking ticket. Should we be outraged about this or just call it FREE MARKET. I know some investor made money but in this case I think it’s just plain wrong. I bet the guy goes commando on somebody, so be careful Milwaukee…

The city foreclosed on Tubic’s $245,000 home on the southwest side in July after trying for years to collect the fine, which escalated to more than $2,600 and resulted in a tax lien.

Tubic admits to ignoring the many notices he received seeking payment but says he was emotionally unfit to deal with the situation.

The Social Security Administration has deemed Tubic mentally and physically disabled since 2001. He has a host of physical diseases and a personality disorder that limits his cognitive functioning, according to documents from the administration. via JS Online

The Truth about the Current Real Estate Market

Real Estate

“The real estate market crash continues as home values plummet….”

“Home sales continue to decline as the housing bubble bursts….”
“Is the real estate market hitting a recession? Find out tonight at 11!”

Sound familiar? Those are just a few of the headlines that have been thrown around by the media lately. In a time where people are very much influenced by what’s in the news, it seems a bit irresponsible for the media to be feeding the housing panic with such gloomy headlines.

Of course, the media isn’t the only channel to blame – consumers, speculators, politicians, real estate professionals, the economy and a ton of other factors all have a hand in the state of the market. And the majority of them are being pretty pessimistic about the whole thing.

What they don’t seem to get is that pessimistic speculation can hurt the market just as much as tangible factors such as mortgage rates, employment rates, etc. The fact is, the strength of the U.S. economy, while relying on many different factors, also relies heavily on the sales industry in general and sales people specifically.

That’s right, when it comes right down to it, sales people are a driving force of our economy. An analogy may help in this case: say suddenly, all over the country, sales forces in radio advertising just stop working. No more prospecting, no more aggressive sales calls, nothing. What would happen? The radio advertising industry would plummet, crash, grind to a halt – mostly.

So, what do you think happens when real estate agents start to believe that the market is crap and there is no way they can get contracts? They’re going to stop working, they’re going to stop actively persuading people to buy or sell, and surprise, surprise, the market is going to slow even further!

The bottom line is, there are many factors contributing to the appearance of a housing market crash, when in reality, the majority of the market is just leveling out and still making positive gains in value. You cannot generalize the real estate market of the entire country and expect to be accurate with your findings.

It’s time for the media to quit all the doom and gloom reporting, even if it gets more ratings than fluff stories; for the lazy agent to quit whining that there’s no work to go after; and for everyone to realize that what we’re REALLY seeing across most of the country is simply the leveling out of a major housing boom.

Don’t believe it? Check out these 26 facts you AREN’T hearing or reading through mainstream news media.
Continue reading

Real Estate Billionaire Sam Zell Says….

Sam Zell

Sam Zell is a brilliant Real Estate Investor who sold a lot of his portfolio in 2005 when everyone was still buying. High flying Blackstone Group bought the properties and since buying Zell’s properties the Blackstone portfolio has gone 2 billion in the hole. Sam Zell is brilliant and now he is looking to start buying again. You will find this article very interesting. Learn from the best, I do and that’s how you become a better entrepreneur. Even though he is awaiting for the rebound he is still picking up deals for very cheap. Right now just wait for the homerun deals and opportunities.

Zell Opts for Debt Investing, Awaits Housing Rebound

By Sharon L. Lynch and Greg Miles

Aug. 21 (Bloomberg) — Billionaire Sam Zell, founder of the largest publicly traded apartment landlord in the U.S., is investing in distressed debt instead of real estate stocks or property and expects a housing recovery next year. Continue reading

Greenspan says 2009 is when the Market will Bottom Out!!!

Alan Greenspan

Now I know a lot of people have very little faith in Greenspan and blaming him for the current housing bubble but people forget that after 9/11 this country needed a boost and the housing market did just that. Many people made a lot money in this last housing trend and the people that are now complaining are the ones who got caught up in the hype of things. As a result they are now going broke but they only have one person to blame, themselves. Now if you are a smart investor and want to make a lot of money and not repeat the mistakes from last housing meltdown you start planting your seeds now. There are so many great deals out there right, you just have to focus, educate yourself and believe in yourself. You are your best asset but can also be your worst enemy. This is the first positive news I have heard from the media in a long time about the market. But every positive article there will be 10 who will dump on it. I am seeing great things, so don’t procrastinate and take your game to the next level. Click on the link below

Even McCain owns Real Estate

John McCain

Hey Guys,

I was surfing the internet and I came up with this interesting piece of info. Even McCain owns real estate but like me he loses track on how many houses he owns…lol. Here is the interesting article.

I love real estate and apparently so does McCain…

Don’t forget to come to my Free 2 day Get Rich or Die Broke event this weekend August 23rd and August 24th in Oakbrook, Illinois. This is your time to change your life and take it to the next level. I am just so excited at the possibilities

For more information go to to attend our next event for FREE!!!!

We only have 14 spots left and then we are at full capacity

This Week on the Radio Show J.T. Foxx welcomes Marshall Sylver

Marshall Sylver

This week on the radio show J.T. welcomes Marshall Sylver one of the world’s top hypnotist, entertainer and salesman. Marshall is a very entertaining and you will get a lot of insight on what you need to do in today’s market. Saturday at 10am and Sunday’s at 2pm in Chicago WIND-560am and Saturday 8am on KABC (790am) in Southern California. You can also stream live online at

Remember go to to attend our next event for FREE!!!!

Monday August 18th The National Association of Real Estate Millionaires Welcomes Real Estate Tycoon Sheldon Good

Seldon Good

This Upcoming Monday at Caffe La Cave in Des Plaines, Illinois, I welcome Real Estate Tycoon Sheldon Good, founder of Sheldon and Company. Sheldon pretty much started the auction business and is one of the world’s most respected real estate experts in the world in this field. He is so respected that he sits on the United Nations to advise them on real estate issues. Sheldon was also named one of Chicago’s top 25 most influential real estate people of the last century. So if you want to attend ITS FREE. It starts at 6:00pm at Caffe La Cave in Des Plaines in networking, 7:00pm with Sheldon Good as main speaker and then at 8pm with power masterminding. For more information visit:

J.T. Goes to the Cubs Game with one of his Mentoring Students

JT Mario
Wrigley Field

Hey everyone, good morning. I am actually happy it is Monday. After playing golf with a couple of students and my lawyer on Friday, I spent the rest of my weekend on catching up on my to do list. The list had121 items long and I actually got 82 of them done. There is no greater feeling when you have a to do list and you can just knock it all out. I like to do the 10 before 10 that Bill Walsh teaches. When you knock out 10 things from your todo list before 10 you find yourself much more productive. So start doing this and including in your daily schedule.

I also went to the Cubs-Cards game last night with one of my mentoring students and his son. We were both celebrating a deal we just got a contract on. Its over 100K in profits… Like I tell a lot of people, I don’t invest in deals I invest in people first and Mario and I have become very close as a result and are looking forward to doing many other deals together. The only problem is that I thought our seats were a little far as you can see in the picture but you can’t win them all I I hope you guys now see the value in mentorship and the power it can do to change your life. i did not catch a foul ball like I did at Dodger Stadium…lol

Also don’t forget our 2 day free events this weekend Get Rich or Die Broke in Irvine Aug 16th-Aug17th, Chicago Aug 23rd-24th and Atlantla 6th-7th. To sign go to:

Hurry because we don’t have a lot of seats left and please if you register, make sure you attend.

Have a great Monday!!!

Visualize your Way to Success

The art visualization is a very important part of your millionaire success puzzle. Visualization is where you create images of anticipation in your mind. Picturing the task at hand allows you to focus a lot more on the bigger picture of things as opposed to being focused on how well you execute the task at hand. I strongly believe that visualization will accelerate your chances at huge success. Success that will not only change your life for the better but help achieve the dreams of others around you.

There are four parts of Visualization that can help you become a better you.

1) Visualization allows you to discover the subconscious mind
2) Visualization helps you become more confident and overcome your fears
3) Visualization makes the task a lot easier because it takes away questions about the unknown
4) Visualization is the tool that some of the great entrepreneurs and athletes do to become the best

Difference between day dreaming and visualization

A lot of people think visualization is the same as day dreaming. Many people sit on the couch and day dream, themselves to big houses, cards and freedom. Unfortunately for more of them it will never materialize. Visualization is where you bring in action and take the specific action to ensure you will make it happen. Visualization allows you to see past things and focus on the big picture. I can honestly that visualization helps me in business, personal, and business and sometimes it even helps me on the golf course. You can only so much with my gameb&lol.

P.S. Make sure you watch the video for how visualization has helped me.

200 Million Dollar Man on the Show this Week

Bobby G

This week on the radio show I welcome on the J.T. Foxx Show in the Midwest and on the J.T. Foxx and Bill Walsh Show in California Bobby G the 200 million dollar entrepreneurial maverick and reality tv superstar on the Mojo Network. Bobby G will talk about how he made his fortune and how you can too in todays market. Bobby G is a great spirit and a money making machine, find out his keys to success this week on the show. To listen in Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan go to 560am on WIND on Saturday’s at 10am or Sunday’s at 2pm or and in Sounthern California on Saturday Mornings at 8am go to KABC 790am or listen live online on or

Thanks for listening and make sure you tell your friends and family about our show. Don’t forget to come to the free 2 day event to celebrate our National Syndication Deal and all the wonderful opportunities to make money in this market. For more information go to