Tagged: jt foxx blog

People’s Favorite Energy Drink HATERADE

Haterade Blog

I get so many emails and messages each day on how to handle betrayal, haters, nay-sayers and non-believers. Let me be the first to tell you that it’s not an easy thing. As Sylvester Stallone told me personally. you have to take that negative energy and sort of turn it into a driving force. People often wonder why I fight back against haters and why do I even give them attention. Well perhaps like Stallone says, I have used that fuel to drive me and not give them the satisfaction of failing. Haters are like bullies and they often either keep hating because no one ever says anything back or they hate because they can’t do it themselves and would rather see you fail because if you do, they feel better about themselves for not succeeding.

The lesson should be
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JT Foxx, Donald Trump, Gordon Ramsay, Simon Cowell – Do They Belittle People?

PicMonkey Collage

JT Foxx… the Simon Cowell of the Business World?

Here is the cold, hard truth. If what you are doing now has not gotten you to where you want to be, and you keep doing the same things over and over again expecting different results, that’s just plain insane.

Someone said that they heard from someone’s friend’s sister (see how crazy this is going to be) that I belittle people at events. Well, before I respond, you truly have to understand the three personalities of JT Foxx:

a. Stage JT Foxx
b. Business JT Foxx
c. Personal JT Foxx

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Delivering Value – The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

I Like To WOW But We Also Have Un-Wow’s (Yes, I Admit It)

My business model has always been “Powered By My Clients Success.” As cliché as it sounds, my coach told me 5 years ago that if I wanted to be in business and be the best, success would never be defined by how much money I made, but rather how much success my clients have. Success can be defined in many different ways. For some it’s being able to retire, being able to double their business, having more free time, having more family time, more hedging, or the ability to buy their first property.

To be honest, the speaker industry is often measured by price per head. For example, if there are 100 people in the room, each person has a monetary value called “Butts in the Seats.” I have never in my whole speaking career measured our event success by that, even though that is the way I was first taught. I find that it is quite repulsive and offensive. Instead, I quickly learned that even if just one client was to succeed in a room of 100, that was massive for my brand and for future opportunities. Of course, the idea is not to get just 1 person to show. Ideally you would like to get 100, but it would be naive Continue reading

Why You Won’t Succeed…(Unless!)JT Foxx Success Review

Success is not easy. In fact, making your first $100,000 will probably be the second hardest thing you do in business. The first one is making your first million. Ironically making your second million will be one of the easiest things you do. Why is that? First of all, one of the things that suppresses success more than anything is fear. Now to succeed, you need passion. Passion is not something you can teach or put int someone, you either have it or you don’t. My key to success is not buying properties, businesses, or stocks, I have succeeded because I have invested in people. That isn’t something I invented. In fact, I simply took what other people were doing and made it better. This is a classic wealth strategy called Conceptional Implementation.

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A Day in the Life of JT Foxx

It’s no secret that I am very good at time management,  It was my biggest weakness is now its my biggest strength.

Everyone has the same 24 hours so how do I run all my companies, properties and world schedule, it’s actually easier than you think. It’s not about time management, it’s about energy management.

Here is my breakdown of last wed
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