Aloha from Hawaii


Hey everyone, I am in Hawaii right now and to be honest I am exausted and in need of a much needed break. But while taking the 5 hour plane ride here I feel asleep and woke up with a great new business idea and have not stopped thinking since. Today was a day where I was going to do no business but sometimes when great ideas strike you have to go for it. I wish you guys were here to enjoy the rainy weather with me…lol. Although I do plan on going surfing tomorrow.

It does not matter where you go, there are crazy people everywhere…lol. Check the picture below to see what I mean. I also plan on having lunch with a mentoring student Mark while I am here and then go look at some properties. Got to love real estate, it’s on sale wherever you go.

Remember keep plugging away there is light at the end of the tunnel.


Meeting with Robert Kiyosaki and Private Plane Ride

Robert and JT

I had the pleasure of meeting Robert Kiyosaki author of Rich Dad Poor Dad this past week. We talked politics and business and it was amazing how four years ago I was reading his book and now I am having a business meeting with him. The point is that anything is possible and as long as you have a dream and that fire in the belly you will make it and you too will make your mark on this world.

To add to that dream day after the great partnering class, I took a private plane back from Phoenix to LA. The best part is that the private belonged to one of my students who was attending the partnering class. It was so fun and I also took Adam and Mark, two students of mine along for the ride to LA. Special thanks to Rick and Frank for the cool ride, you guys are great pilots.

P.S. Finally boarding a plane without taking my shoes off and being patted down…


Bill Gates vs. iPhones

Bill Gates

Here is an interesting article I was reading about the Bill Gates and his view on the IPhone.

Bill Gates’s sprawling Washington state compound is, as you might expect, packed to the gills with bleeding-edge gear, from the heated floors and 20-seat home theater to the X-ray machine (for screening the mail, of course) and miles of fiber-optic cabling. But here’s what you definitely won’t find at chez Gates: an iPhone. In the latest issue of Vogue, Bill’s wife, Melinda Gates, reveals that among the “very few things” on “the banned list in our household” are—you guessed it—iPods and iPhones.

Brutal, yes—especially for Bill and Melinda’s three kids (two daughters and a son, aged 12, six, and nine, respectively), who’ll just have to grin and bear it as their little pals make merry with the latest and greatest iPod.

And even Melinda herself admits to an occasional pang of Apple envy: “Every now and then I look at my friends and say, ‘Ooh, I wouldn’t mind having that iPhone.'” (Ouch!).

Then again, what else did we expect from Microsoft founder Bill Gates? The man has his pride, not to mention scores of Windows Mobile and Zune team members who’d probably feel a tad bit hurt if Bill Jr. was running around with an iPhone.

So, which phones and MP3 players are on the Gates’s “good-to-go” list? Well, there’s always the Zune for music and video—not the sexiest MP3 player out there, mind you, but at least it’s got Wi-Fi and a snazzy interface.

And of course, there are plenty of Windows Mobile handsets to choose from; personally, I’d go for the Palm Treo Pro (if I had to get a Windows Mobile phone, that is), although it’s not exactly a barrel of fun for the teens. Or how about the HTC Touch Pro? That’s a pretty cool phone … I guess (as I pat the iPhone 3G in my jeans pocket).

The Game of Real Estate has now Changed Again!!!


This weekend in Chicago I am teach you how the new 800 Billion dollar stimulus is going to affect the real estate market. In fact although I am not in favor of this provision I do think it is going to short term positive effect on the real estate market and there will be key niches in real estate that you will be able to profit greatly. Find out 25 news ways (Yes I am you some new stuff again) to make a fortune in real estate in the middle of a recession and a 5 trillion dollar bailout. Here are some of the few topics I am going to cover

1) Putting yourself in the Right Mindset
2) The Real Estate Millionaire Quiz
3) Overcoming Fear and Procrastination
4) Increasing your Investing Confidence
5) How to Evaluate deals in Todayʼs Market
6) Going through a deal from start to finish — Just like I do!
7) Rehabbing
8 ) Seller Financing
9) Foreclosures
10) Negotiating
11) Finding Partners when Banks are not Lending
12) How to Brand Yourself
13) Learn how to Network like and with Multi-millionaires
14) Flipping in a Down Market
15) Buy and Hold for Real Wealth
16) How to use your IRA to buy Properties
17) Contract Assignment
18) Buying Properties with No Money
19) How to Avoid Costly Real Estate Mistakes (learn from the many I made early on!)
20) Real Estate in a Box “The Future of Real Estate Investing”
21) Avoid Getting Sued
22) Setting up a Turn-key Back Office
23) Learn to Develop a Hands-off Virtual Office
24) How to go through the MLS to find GREAT Deals
25) How to Build Long Lasting, Profitable Relationships
26) Earn More and Work Less Investing in Real Estate
27) Learn how to become part of the Countryʼs Top 1% Income Earner

Register Now for this FREE 2 Day Event visit

Ghost Town USA

Ghost Town

All those cities that were once booming with hype are now becoming ghost towns. Here is an interesting article I read that really sums up what is going with Vegas and Detroit. One industry cities are hurting bad and from now on should you should factor that in your investment strategy. Diversity is the key so when you invest. I like to look at the prospects of jobs coming to a city before I decide to invest because job growth is the key to real estate appreciation. Before real estate bounces back and it will in a BIG way, jobs are going to have to increase first. People need work before they start buying properties again. Until that happens we will have to settle on buying these properties for very cheap on the dollar. Read the article below and BLOG your thoughts
To read the story click here

Create your Own ECONOMY this Weekend and Next!

American Dream

It is it time to turn the American Nightmare into the American Dream again. This weekend in Chicago and the following weekend in Los Angeles, things are about to change as I am teach you how to create your own economy. The name of the event is called “25 New ways to make a Fortune in the Middle of a Recession and a 5 trillion Dollar Bailout. For more information about my 2 day FREE event next weekend in Chicago and LA on Feb 28th and March 1st, visit.
Don’t let people tell you that the American Dream is dead, it’s only starting. There are so many great opportunities out there. Don’t miss out before the event get’s sold out again, register now. I look forward to teaching you how the new stimulus bill is going to change the real estate market forever.

Foreclosure Bill on the Way!!!

Foreclosure Bill

The word in the political world is that a foreclosure help bill is on the way and I have to admit I am not really excited about the prospect. A lot of people are living in homes they cannot afford. Allow them to reduce their principal is unfair for every American who pays their bills on time. It rewards bad behavior for people who tool all that money out for new cars, remodel their home and god knows what else. This sets a really bad example for the rest of the country. At teh end of the money it is our tax dollars who will bail these peole again. Let’s see what happens but what you think?

8 Banks Stop Foreclosing..For now…

Big Banks

Well it looks like the government bailing out the big banks forced them to cave in to the pressure and 8 banks decided to stop foreclosing until the spring, which is only delaying what will eventually happen, FORECLOSURE. If you can’t afford the house you are living in how will a 3 months foreclosure delay help you. The solution is for people to move into homes they can afford and rebuild. America was built on second chances not bailouts. What do you think, blog your comments?

To read the story click here

Toxic Bailout Mismanagment!!!!!


“Why am I not surprised!!!!! More great deals for us later I guess”. Washington simply has no clue. Read that last line by Senator Dodd!!!!”

Here’s yet another reason for American taxpayers to be disheartened about the federal government’s management of the Troubled Asset Relief Program or TARP.
Elizabeth Warren, the Harvard University law professor Congress chose to chair the committee that’s overseeing the Treasury Department’s implementation of the TARP program, said financial experts her panel consulted say the government paid $78 billion too much for the toxic assets it purchased from financial institutions.
Her comments came during yet another congressional hearing on the TARP. This morning’s hearing is before the Senate Banking Committee.
Warren said:
“At the time of the first set of transactions, Treasury substantially overpaid. According to the data we’ve investigated, Treasury put in about $254 billion for which it received about $176 billion in value from the financial instituions. That’s a shortfall of about $78 billion when measured as of the date of the transactions, not in terms of what happened to the markets since then . We want to emphasize there may be good policy reasons for overpaying. But without a clearly delineated reason, we can’t know that. We return to a theme that we have spoken about repeatedly, and that is the need for clear goals, for a clear framework, for methods for how we’re getting there and measurements to see if that is happening.”
Sen. Chris Dodd, chairman of Senate panel, rightly called this information “eyebrow raising”

Read this article Click Here

Here Comes the Housing Stimulus

Housing Plan

WASHINGTON – Historically huge to begin with, economic stimulus legislation is growing larger by the day in the Senate, where the addition of a new tax break for homebuyers sent the price tag well past $900 billion.
“It is time to fix housing first,” Sen. Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., said Wednesday night as the Senate agreed without controversy to add the new tax break to the stimulus measure, at an estimated cost of nearly $19 billion.
The tax break was the most notable attempt to date to add help for the crippled housing industry and gave Republicans a victory as they work to remake the legislation more to their liking.
Democratic leaders hope for Senate passage of the legislation by Friday at the latest, although prospects appear to hinge on crafting a series of spending reductions that would make the bill more palatable to centrists in both parties.
Three swing-vote senators met with President Barack Obama at the White House on Wednesday to discuss possible cutbacks, but they declined to discuss details of their talks. Obama has made the legislation a cornerstone of his recovery plan.
For their part, Senate Republicans signaled they would persist in their efforts to reduce spending in the measure, to add tax cuts and reduce the cost of mortgages for millions of homeowners.
Officials figures were unavailable, but it appeared that the measure carried a price tag of more than $920 billion, making it bigger than the financial industry bailout that passed last year and as large as any measure in memory.
Despite bipartisan concerns about the cost, Republicans failed in a series of attempts on Wednesday to cut back the bill’s size. The most sweeping proposal, advanced by Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., would have eliminated all the spending and replaced it with a series of tax cuts. It was defeated 61-36.

Democrats also upheld a so-called Buy American provision that requires projects financed by the measure to be built with domestically produced iron and steel.
But with Obama voicing concern about the provision, the requirement was changed to specify that U.S. international trade agreements not to be violated.
Additionally, Democrats turned back an attempt to strip out a provision that Obama has said was essential. It would provide a tax cut of up to $1,000 for working couples, including those who do not make enough to pay income taxes.
Isakson said the new tax break for homebuyers was intended to help revive the housing industry, which has virtually collapsed in the wake of a credit crisis that began last fall.
The proposal would allow a tax credit of 10 percent of the value of new or existing residences, up to a $15,000 limit. Current law provides for a $7,500 tax break but only for first-time homebuyers. Isakson’s office said the proposal would cost the government an estimated $19 billion.

The provision was the second tax cut approved in as many days targeted to individual industries. On Tuesday, the Senate voted to give a break to consumers who buy new cars.
The House approved its own version of the bill last week.