Successful Business Trends for 2014

Over 87% of businesses, start ups, or people who plan on starting a business as of today have no strategic growth blueprint plan. Here are the things that are holding them back according to my surveys:
1) Economic Fears
2) Lack of Branding
3) No Marketing Plan
4) No Passive income Plan
5) Lack of Focus
6) Lack of Capital
7) No accountability
All this stops now… I am going to personally help you by sharing my plans I already have underway as of this morning. Here is my focus: Click here to learn all of this in person
Focus Trend # 1: Strategic Turnover Model: “24/7 Passive Income”: The more I work in my business the lower my profits and the more I end up hating what I am doing. The key is to hedge and diversify enough so that when the market changes, my eggs are not all in one basket. I will show you how to find deals and opportunities like I do. Ones that are passive but are also a natural extension and compliment to what you are doing rather than a disruption. Also the key is to then work on the business, and have the key people in place to work in the business. This way you come up with the ideas, and have a reliable team to implement.
Focus Trend # 2: It’s all about Growth “Join the Party”: I strongly believe evidenced by recent world economic growth data that everyone who knows what they are doing will experience record growth. The theme at Mega Partnering 8 was growth. Mega Partnering Africa 2 is bringing 7 billionaires who are looking forward to sharing their own growth strategies. I expect a breakout financial year for many of you from everything that you have learned. The key to growth is to focus on activities that generate revenue and grow companies rather than being transactional. This is to create a culture of growth and become a master at time management because every second counts in 2014. Focus on what you are great at and delegate the rest.
Focus Trend # 3: Go Big or Go Home: My coach uses this analogy when he explains business growth to me. “There are two types of opportunities, chasing rabbits or hunting elephants.” Rabbits are little deals that make you money but they never really allow you to achieve that huge wealth payoff. Hunting Elephants means going after the big deals, the deals that may take a little longer involve more planning and details, but will result in a huge wealth payoff at the end. Be careful though; do not put all of your eggs in one basket because if you do, you will find yourself left empty handed. So one of the things I am going to teach you on my world tour is that we all have little rabbits but all of us leave with at least one HUGE ELEPHANT, the type of deal or opportunity that will change your life and business forever.
Focus Trend # 4: If you don’t change you will disappear: You either live in an ocean of sameness or a lake of differentiation. Either way the difference between success and failure in 2014 will be branding. How branded you are will determine how much you can charge for your product or service. If your clients expect you to do all the work, that means that they don’t respect you. Not only will I make them respect you but I will have them begging to do business with you. Sounds naive, it’s not. There is literally a waiting list for people to buy my products and services in many of the companies and brands I own. Without branding none of this would be possible. Ironically two of the biggest branding tools I have used in 2013 were Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jack Welch from Mega Partnering. They have opened a lot of doors and meetings because it became a conversation starter. In 2014 what do you think a picture with Al Pacino at Mega Partnering 9 will do for your brand? I can hardly wait. Remember the simpler the branding is the easier it is for people to understand. People don’t buy what they find to be complicated and they definitely won’t make a quick decision to buy on the spot if its complicated. You want your client to make a quick buying decision because the more people have to think about it, the less deals are done because people have paralysis by analysis.
Focus Trend # 5: CEO Marketing: This is probably going to be the game changer for many businesses in 2014. Most of you just delegate your marketing to someone else, pay them a lot of money with zero to little results. Of course this will fail because for starters, these people make less than you, don’t understand your business, don’t grasp your vision, and then we have wild expectations that they will come up with something that will be a game changer. You need to become a CEO marketer, whatever vision you see in your brain for your business, must be a mirror image when it comes to your marketing. Marketing shouldn’t cost you money it should make you money. It’s called the 3x formula, if you spend $1 on marketing you should make $3 back. Right now, we are averaging $11.
Focus Trend # 6: Facts, numbers, and statistics: No more guessing, I think, I hope, I believe, these are words that are often used by someone who has no clue about their business. You need to manage by statistics not gut feelings. Gut feelings are used to make decisions, not run businesses. We are now tracking everything and I am going to teach you how to create a 1 page report that you will be able to use to run any business from anywhere in the world. Only by knowing your numbers can you effectively scale your business and know where to invest, cut back or double down. I don’t care whether you have no one working for you or 100 employees the fundamentals simply don’t change.
Focus Trend #7: Who are you and why should I care: Scary enough even though the economy is growing people have grown more skeptical than ever before. Although branding will alleviate someone of those fears but that is not enough. People buy people, not stocks, businesses or opportunities, they want to connect, they want to look into your eye knowing that you will not pull a Madoff on them and take away all your life savings. We are hiring a person in our office whose only job is to call random clients and chat them up and find out anyways we can help them, even though they might have not asked for help. I think random act of kindness are huge WOW’s and WOW’s get people talking. I few days ago I received a huge Un-Wow from the Caesars Palace Qua Spa, to make a long story short they turned me down and told me they could refuse service to anyone. See now I am telling over 60K people about my experience and I will never go to that spa or hotel. One ignorant un-wow can go a long way to cost a business lots of money. I am pretty sure I am going to receive an email from them now that they know who I am. So the questions is, what kind of un-wows are costing you business, in business it’s the little details that count.
Focus Trend #8: Fire some of your clients: Pain in the ass clients who pay good money, may in the long run may end up costing you more money because how much time they take. There are clients that no matter how much they pay you are simply not worth it. The emotional toll they take on you is simply not worth it as life is too short. I for many years hung on to these people, now we will simply tell them we have become too exclusive and we are not the right fit. The same people will complain no matter what you do and it’s never good enough. My coach has been telling me for years to do this but like many you are always scared of the lost income. We actually did the math on the hours we spend on these people and realized that it is costing us money because of loss opportunity. We now have created a grading scale for our clients so we can focus our time on our best clients whom we are powered by their success.
Focus Trend # 9: Less Excuses: The less excuses you have the more successful you will become. Since yesterday, in our offices we have adopted a zero excuse policy. It seems that once you create a culture of excuses it’s easier for people to give up and wait for you to deal with it. We are creating an organization of problem solvers and solution finders now. You can’t go to any managers, CEO or myself unless you first tried to solve the problem yourself. We are not babysitters. Same goes to our students, if you don’t show up to our 2014 World Tour Plan and you signed up or you come up with all the excuses why you can’t show up don’t expect to be 2014 to be different than 2013. Remember how you change is how you succeed and the choices you make determine the reality of your outcome. I almost quit speaking in 2013 because I got so tired about all the excuses I was hearing from my clients. I want to help them so bad and my business depends on their success but if you don’t show, there is nothing I can do to help you. So come see me live and let me personally ensure your 2014 is the best ever.
Now that we have the Focus trends, we need to roll our sleeves up. The first quarter of 2014 will dictate what the next 5 years will hold for you. If you don’t take action 5 years from now you will be sitting in the exact spot you are sitting now except for the people you meet and the books you read. Disrupt the normal and join me into create and entrepreneurial revolution that will forever change how we do business.
The difference in 2014 is that I am taking you with me… You in? Click here and follow me because I am not waiting. There is a lot of room at the top it’s the bottom that’s crowded.
JT Foxx
World’s # 1 Wealth Coach
Serial Entrepreneur
Mega Partnering Founder
Please update me on any Seminars in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Dear JT,
Just want to drop a note to Thank You for your wonderful sharing and you are such a gift. Truly inspiration. I was so inspired by your presence. God bless.
Samson, Malaysia, GBI2014
Good day Mr Foxx, I live in Pretoria, South Africa and I am interested in your real estate teachings. how do I get access?
JTFOXX – who is the Worlds leading number one Wealth coach is really taking
Durban by STORM and every seminars I have attended of JTFOXX is full to capacity and all his Coaches-Andrew Smith,Charlie Dombek,Michael Ehilersohn,
Max Dombek,Bryan Wester and everyone in his team is absolutely awesome.i personally have gained a wealth of knowledge and my advice to all those business CEOs and young and old entrepreneurs is once you join him,there is no turning back.Some of the world leaders and prominent personalities he often accompany’s on all his tours speak for themselves.My picture with the famous STEVE WOZNIAK AND MICHAEL IRVIN/ANDREW SMITH is no exception and I go to every event of his here in Durban.
JTFOXX is not a Magician YET he has the power of keeping the AUDIENCE glued
to their seats.
I sometimes wonder as to how many people hold on to their call of nature-or thirst-hunger,sleep
etcetera just to DRINK all the Qualities From each and every presentation of his.
JT Foxx,
I recently attended your seminar when you came to India. You are a truely a great motivator, strategists, branding expert & much more ..
What’s more, I applied some of your learnings & got awesome reaults in my business.
Arun Sharma
Founder & CEO
STEPS ROI Training