Start Me Up! How to Become The Rolling Stones of Business

6) Saying “goodbye”: Still roaring on all cylinders
The Rolling Stones are just brilliant at saying “goodbye”. They’ve been on “farewell” tours since 1991 and every time they come back stronger than ever.
If you are going to fill stadiums all around the world and gross $569 million as they did on their last tour, you don’t do it on solely on great music. They keep their marketing and branding engine roaring on all cylinders – selling out so many venues that I’m sure they’ve lost count by now.
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So those are some of lessons I’ve learned from the Rolling Stones. I developed my Mega Partnering marketing strategy from some of these very same concepts. And why not? They’ve been working for Mick, Ronnie, Charlie, and Keith for 50 years. They’re not just moving around like “Jumpin’ Jack Flash,” they’re moving their enterprise forward.
So follow these strategies and there will be plenty of “Brown Sugar” in your bank account.
OK, maybe that was trying too hard, but that’s only because “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction”
Uh-oh, did it again. But what can I say? I love the Rolling Stones, and they’ve inspired me to be my best at Mega Partnering VI, I expect to bring the house down….
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Rolling Stones are not exactly my kind of band (I love the Beatles), but I like their I Can’t Get No Satisfaction. An iconic song for the modern man’s seeker of Truth. That there’s really much more to life than fame & fortune. As in helping the disenfranchised, which gives you the satisfaction of not wasting your life here on Earth.
Simply Briliant Article JT Foxx. Bring the Rolling Stones to Mega Partnering
As before another amazing article with very important concepts. Using all concepts mentioned above consistently in our life and business will lead us to be very successful. Thanks for sharing, really enjoyed it.
I love these articles, keep them coming JT.
PS. I can remember being at a concert in the UK when the Stones and Beatles were in the same concert. That’s before the days of one band concerts, when there were multiple celebrity acts all in the one show. Sure dates me, love the Stones, Beatles and of course Elvis, miss all the songs you can actually sing along to.
What a genius! You taught me valuable business concepts by talking about the Rolling Stones!! JT, thank you for your passion, mentoring and leadership. See you in the front row at Mega Partnering 6!!
Rolling stone is perfect example. That photo of Mick Jagger is so powerful. It’s all about energy. How can you fail if you have that kind of power/energy?
Looking to rocking and rolling with you at Mega partnering. I will be sending Jessica a note re: my logo needs a “WOW”. Loving the excitment of being in the know how with who.
JT keep the morale boosters coming.
Great article JT!!! I am always good at creating a wow factor but for some reason it had kinda slipped my mind in designing my latest website. Thanks fr the million dollar reminder!!! Appreciate you.
Thanks JT for shaken up my thinking. Branding is so much a part of our success formula and your the brand master.
JT Great Metaphor and reinforcing if you do what you love you will always be happy. Something to say about passion and creating excitement! Thanks for sharing.
Genius!!! I am also going to email Jessica I need a new logo also. This is one of the best articles I have ever read !!!
JT, thanks for the information you provide to us. I appreciate your time and insight. You sure have the ability to make me think!
Mr. Foxx,
I just wish to be born again….If I only Knew what I am learning now, I will rock more!!! Gracias!!
Great example of an enduring brand and band. Maybe you can bring them to Mega Partnering!
Very grateful for the way you care/share your insights and help us succeed. Thank you!
Great brand I can really say. That logo brand with the tongue actually came from the 1977/1978 album that had the track I Miss You, on the album.
What’s crazy I actuall worked with Keith Richards during the time that he and and Mick were apart, which was around 1991/1992, I was a young assistant recording engineer working at Master Sound Astoria Studio’s in Queens New York. Keith had a group called the Xpensive Wino’s and yes like you said JT it didn’t do very well when they were apart. So the Mick, Keith connection is the Stones, that’s the brand, not them apart I was there I know. Keith came to the studio with 25 different guitars back in those days