The balancing act between tactical approaches to marketing for short-term profits, versus the more strategic approaches that bring in longer term profits and credibility.
One of the main flaws in the stock market lies in the fact that companies are evaluated on a very, very short-term basis. In that case, quarterly. If a company misses a target for one quarter, the stock typically drops instantly.
They are forced to think in terms of a 3-4 month window of opportunity.
Fortunately, for you as a small business owner, you don’t have stockholders and investors breathing down your neck to hit specific revenue goals or watch your shares plummet.
And that’s a good thing.
For a company to survive and grow for years, you must begin to think strategically. This creates long-term branding and success because you tend to focus on things that add more value to your customers lives.
Throughout the years, people have tried finding commonalities between successful people to discover what made them successful in the first place.
They also look at people who have failed, then succeeded, failed again, and succeeded yet again.
I’ve done the same. Throughout my life I’ve made a study of the most important characteristics I saw within my role models.
And in that time I’ve discovered that every single successful person I have ever known has one thing in common.
Many people call it a flaw, due to the fact that it often creates controversy… jealousy… sometimes even anger and confusion.
I call it a strength because I’ve found it to be the single driving force to achieving long-term success.
Whatever you call it, it’s that these people simply REFUSE to give up, no matter what the cost.
They have a ferocious drive and hunger that makes them dig down into the depths of their beings and pull out tenacity and vigor very few of us have seen.
Think of Trump in the 90’s.
At that point he was a huge success. Yet the 90’s nearly bankrupted him. Most “normal” people would have sat home crying at night, praying for some miracle to come along to pull them out of the dumps of despair.
Not Trump.
He got MORE aggressive… MORE assertive… MORE fanatical in all his dealings. He simply refused to take no for an answer.
Rich people seem to be castrated in the eyes of the media. They’re constantly being portrayed as greedy, selfish, stuck up, and downright evil.
But here’s the truth.
Rich people don’t despise people for saying these things about them. In fact, most rich people I know (myself included) feel nothing but sympathy for people who think they’re greedy and selfish.
After all, it’s a pretty lousy way to live your life.
When it comes down to it, rich people would LOVE for more people to become more rich. They do not want to “hold others down” and suppress their income. Absolutely not! As you begin to gain wealth you begin to accumulate a prosperity sense of thinking which says that money is infinite.
And that’s the truth.
Money IS infinite. There is no limit to the capabilities of human minds to create more value in the world around us. What we used to think of impossible just a few years ago is now accepted and used daily in our lives.
Just think of cell phones… TV’s… going to the moon… or flying. Continue reading →
I don’t think there’s a person alive who grows up thinking “Nah, I’d rather not be successful. I’d rather just live a boring, meaningless life”.
Maybe someone has – but not you.
The problem is, the more successful you become, the harder it gets. As you gain more exposure and become more of a “success”, the target on your back becomes bigger… and bigger… and bigger.
My coach kept repeating a quote to me that I’ll never forget. It went like this…
“The higher the monkey climbs up the tree, the more his ass is exposed.”
Everybody loves a “rags to riches” story.
But do you know what’s even better to the media?
A “riches to rags” story. Everybody is captivated by those who scaled the mountain of success and then came tumbling down.
Just think about Trump in the 90’s. People were obsessed with his story of bankruptcy and gossiped that “he’d never make it back”.
(Look at him now)
The Internet has made this problem even worse. It’s so easy to hide behind a wall and purposely hurt other people because nobody knows who you are. You aren’t accountable for your actions anymore. The sad part is, many business owners use this deceitful tactic to bring down their more successful competitors.
I can’t even begin to describe how many times I’ve been attacked by my competitors, POSING as unhappy students, even though there wasn’t a shred of truth in the statement. Worse, people actually believe it!
The old saying “If it’s on the Internet, it must be true”… is unfortunately very true.
The question is…
Why Do People Resort To Hating Successful People?
The first reason is jealousy. Many people get jealous and envious of people who have what they don’t have. They think they were “lucky” to get it… or were born with good genes… or born into the perfect family… or one of a million other excuses.
There are no excuses. I started my career with $974 to my name. Now my net worth is in the 8-figures. Do you think I was “lucky”? Absolutely not! I created my own luck by working myself to the bone for years on end (and continue to do so)… and sheer determination to make something better of my life.
The second reason is something called mirroring.
Since most people don’t accept responsibility for what happens in their life, they will seek out scapegoats, like successful people, to protect their egos. After all, they don’t want to admit that me or you are more successful than them because we’ve dedicated ourselves to achieving success. They don’t want to admit that they just aren’t driven to find success.
It’s easier for them to point the finger… because it takes pressure off of them to achieve something great.
Here’s the point I’m heading towards.
You Are Who You Hang Out With
It’s NOT easy being successful today, but it IS worth the effort because, in my eyes, their is no reason for being alive if you aren’t striving towards success. You just have to take steps to counteract the attacks. The moment you become a target in the spotlight, people will stop at no ends to thwart your success.
It’s pathetic, but it happens.
Whether you’re successful now, or WANT to become successful, you need to develop the habit of hanging around other people who will uplift you, inspire you and drive you to achieve even greater levels of success.
Criticism isn’t easy to handle. Haters will always be haters and if you want to become successful you must learn to ignore them and spend more time with people “on your level”.
That’s why my business model focuses on holding LIVE events. I’ve set them up in a way that I literally can’t be successful unless I make YOU successful.
By attending one of them, you’ll be surrounded by people in the exact frame of mind you’re in. They are all on their way to becoming successful and can uplift you and inspire you to do the same. No one at these events is there to criticize you… if they do… they get kicked out immediately.
Right now, we’re running two major workshops in countries all around the world.
Workshop #1: The C7 Business Model Workshop
This is geared towards business owners or up-and-coming business owners who want to take their business to the next level. Throughout it I literally GIVE AWAY my entire business model, in response to my ex personal coach stealing mine. Instead of letting him benefit from it, I’m letting YOU take it for your own.
This is for those looking to add a new income stream to their life and get fabulously wealthy through real estate. It’s for anybody, business owner or employee. Since you’ll discover how to buy properties at 30% – 50% below market value, it drastically reduces any “risk” most people normally have in real estate.
This, again, reveals my exact model I personally use to buy my own real estate in countries not just in the United States… but in 13 different countries around the world.
The bottom line is this – if you want to be successful you need to do two things. Ignore the haters, and spend more time with people trying to achieve the same success you are.
Our workshops are held for one specific purpose. To make YOU successful and connect you with hundreds of others looking to accomplish the same goal.
Pick up any books these days, read any blogs or talk to anyone who is successful and ask them what the keys to success are and they will give you the same old boring methodology that is not only predictable, but fatigued in my opinion.
They will tell you that hard work, relationships, timing and loving what you do is all part of being successful. Many who received this information are left with a short-term burst of inspiration until they try to determine what to do next or come to the realization that they had heard that one before. I think part of my success in being one the top speaker and wealth coaches in the world is that I not only do the things I teach through my ownership many companies, but I also continually and actively invest in real estate and businesses.
When Michael Eisner, former CEO Disney spoke at Mega Partnering VI, I asked him the simple question of how he managed to take Disney from $1.8 Billion to $60 Billion; he answered with one simple word… DISRUPTION.
Here are my 4 disruptive principles to success in an ever-changing market place:
Speed of Implementation: From the moment you come up with an idea in your business to the moment you implement it, will determine how successful you will become. The faster you implement your ideas, the more successful you will become. I have a 24 hour rule which is that when I come up with an idea I will text, call and/or email my staff immediately and begin a blue print to move the idea forward. It drives my staff crazy, but at the end of the month, I look at our financials and the success of my companies and know that it is directly related to how quickly those many ideas were implemented.
No excuses: Over the past few months, while I have spoken around the world, I have ingrained my staff with this notion: “The more excuses you have, the less successful you will become”. Most companies and entrepreneurs I have helped have created a culture of why they can’t do things rather than determine what they need to do to move forward. A very simple business principle is the more problems you solve and the more creative your solutions are, the more profitable your company will become. In my office, I have a saying that no one should come to me with a problem unless they have first come up with a proposed solution. Otherwise, the CEO, managers or owners of the company are pretty much doing the work for them.
Trust but verify: This is a problem that is plaguing and taking down more companies. The owner or manager assigns something to someone and it doesn’t get done and he or she assumes it gets done only to find out later it was not. This not only causes a bottleneck, but also may cost a company a client and/or in some cases its reputation. This problem can also have the impact of a company regressing, rather than progressing; this due to the facts that owners and managers feel it’s easier if I they perform tasks themselves rather than assigning them. Rather than focusing on the transformational part of the business (the part that brings in revenue), they begin focusing on the transactional (menial 15 dollar hour tasks). However you cut it, it costs the company in both the short and long term.
Think Growth EVERYBODY: In my companies I do not look at how much employees cost me, I look how much they make me. Here is the number I use to add up the number of staff you have and add $500,000 per staff regardless if they are the VP or their secretary and then look at your revenue and do they both match up. For example if you have 10 employees and your revenues are 3 million then you are about 2 million short. Everyone in your company from the janitor to the CEO has to think about growth. How can we make the company money and how can we increase the bottom line. The only way in today’s economy to grow your company is to think vertical and horizontal integration rather than purely focusing on the continuous acquiring of new clients… think growth with your existing clients. It cost 7 times more to get a new client than it is to focus on a new one. When everyone thinks growth it’s always healthy to the bottom line and it holds everyone accountable.
IF you don’t disrupt the market, you are eventually being surpassed by someone who will. Apple disrupted Microsoft to become one of the world’s top companies. Apple would make a larger screen on their iPhone, now Samsung is disrupting them. Netflix disrupted Blockbuster. Amazon disrupted tradition bookstores and now Big Box retailers. Bottom line is that if you are doing the same thing over and over and expecting the same results you are in for a rude awakening. Remember how you change is how you succeed. Look at Madonna and how she has re-invented herself 9 times over her career and at the young age of 50 was the top performing concert last summer. Bottom business as usual is dead. You either going to disrupt the market or it’s going to disrupt you.
JT Foxx is a serial entrepreneur, real estate investor and one the top speakers and wealth and business coaches in the world. He is also a radio personality for the past 7 years in 3 countries and is originally from Canada. He started 8 years ago with 974 dollars to his name and a very old Ford Ranger Pick up truck. His area of expertise is marketing, branding, sales, and strategic thinking and investing. He is also the founder of the world-renowned event Mega Partnering.
First lesson I learned, as I was broke and struggling is why? I had all the ideas and things to change the world. I quickly came face to face with a simple reality; you can’t help others unless you help yourself first. I realized that I was too much of a tactical thinker “How to” rather than a strategic “why”. I like to use this example of a person who knows how to put the computer together and makes $15 dollars an hour, the person who knows the why of it all, how it all works together and always finding ways to improve it ala Woz (Apple Co-founder) and ends up very successful and truly change the way we use things.
Strategic thinking is the gateway to innovation and how you change is how you succeed. 99% of all entrepreneurs are what we call horizontal thinkers; they come up with a bunch of ideas for their business, but only scratch the surface with big picture details with little or no teeth to it.
Every morning for the past 7 years I wake up and after I mind feed, I eat breakfast. The same reason behind why you have to feed yourself to survive is why you need to feed your brain. After that, I do 30-45 minutes of strategic thinking without any interruptions and that includes turning off my cell phone which is both my biggest asset and biggest distraction. I take one topic in my business, it could be increasing web conversation, how to increase sales, launching of a new product and I spend all of that time writing down as many ideas of improvement I can regarding that one topic. Sometimes they can be the most ridiculous ideas but I don’t stop until I strike gold with an A-HA moment. In the end you will find it is these A-Ha moments every single day, 7 days a week, 30 times a month that will lead to disruptive innovative success. I virtually guarantee you won’t recognize your company.
The more strategic you are, the more you focus at what you are good at and delegate the rest, the more successful you will become. So stop asking yourself the HOW of things but focus on the WHY. These small innovative changes in your business will put your company so far ahead of your competition that you will find yourself creating the market. This applies not only to entrepreneurs but your employees, executives and corporations.
So here is my advice to you: stop scratching the surface and start immersing yourself into the wonderful world of problem solving and solution finding. Not only will you see the bottom line of your spreadsheets grow, but your bank accounts or and paychecks will grow proportionally. Want to earn more don’t think differently “THINK VERTICALLY”
JT Foxx is a serial entrepreneur, real estate investor and one the top speakers and wealth and business coaches in the world. He is also a radio personality for the past 7 years in 3 countries and originally from Canada started 8 years ago with 974 dollars to his name and a very old Ford Ranger Pick up truck. His area of expertise is marketing, branding, sales, and strategic thinking and investing. He is also the founder of the world-renowned event Mega
People have often asked me whether I have an SEO JT Foxx lawsuit and reputation management strategy and the answer is.. of course. Good reviews do not rise fast in Google (I have 1000’s) because people are too busy clicking negative reviews. People are often scandalized when an original lawsuit comes out. When they first come out, they are often one sided, puffed up and in some cases even frivolous. I am not saying most lawsuits are BS, although there are always two sides to the story and there is the truth. Although what I will tell you.. 99% of the time, the lawsuit get’s watered down because many of the things in the lawsuit gets stricken in motion because these things are either irrelevant or simply not true.
My coaches have always said to me, “If you are not getting sued, then you are not doing well”. Whether you like it or not, if you are successful you will get sued. You just have to accept it as a cost of doing business. It’s often a cost most entrepreneurs never anticipate or have even factored in. The problem when a frivolous BS lawsuits gets filed, take for example my case, even when you win, which we do every time and no one reports it to the media… all they remember was the initial lawsuit was filed. That is why entrepreneurs have to take matters in their own hands to protect their brand.
In my case, I will not name names (just wait because we are waiting to file a major lawsuit against them), but when the original lawsuit was reported, Mr. X paid an Indian SEO firm to negatively SEO (Send fake traffic and links to increase it’s authority) so that it showed on the first page of Google to seem like they could hurt me and force met to settle. I am thankful for having the best IT and SEO team who were able to spot it, track it down and tell me who ordered it. How is this fair to me? It’s not. It’s just part of the game. But be careful because if you get caught, it’s going to be very expensive for whomever goes after you. When you start negative SEO campaigns you are just playing downright dirty.
Now in case you can’t relate, let me give another recent example. Today Donald Trump just won a lawsuit against a lady who was claiming in Chicago that after buying several condo’s Mr. Trump would give her a piece of the profits or parking and the ballroom. The original lawsuit claimed that Trump screwed this 89-year-old Grandma out of money. This is of course made news world wide and made Mr. Trump look like the bad guy. Well if you dig more into the case, which I have, this 89-year-old lady is quite savvy and wealthy therefore was not ignorant and there was a contract and nothing of her claims were in the contract. In fact if I am not mistaken the lawyers took this on contingency so he could build his name off of Mr. Trump. Result? Well today Mr. Trump won the case and barely anyone has reported it and the one’s that are, are attacking him saying that he bullied this 89 year old grandma and attacking him because he is ranting about winning on twitter. Mr. Trump did nothing wrong, in fact, this probably cost him $300,000 in legal fees which he will not get back, he wins and now we attack him because he wants the world to know he is vindicated. When you are at the top you will always be attacked but like Mr. Trump I can feel his pain and frustration.
1) Protect your brand at all costs. Showcase and SEO hard the real truth of what is happening and drown the negative, which is damaging to your brand and business (Assuming the allegations are not true of course).
2) No matter what the cost.. do not settle. Even if the initial bad press will hurt, in the end you will be vindicated. It’s what I did and it’s what Mr. Trump did.
3) Don’t respond to negative critics and reviews because it only adds fuel to the fire. Rather than focusing on their business they increase their own might and stature by tearing others down. Life is already hard enough where we should help each other out and supports each others success.
4) Don’t believe everything you read online because 70% is BS, made up by your competitors trying to hurt your business, or is that one disgruntled customer who is going on a rampage. We have caught two of my competitors doing this and their IP address led directly to their own personal home.
Being in business is not easy although when you figure it out, it’s one of the most thrilling experiences. Life is not measured by how much money you make, but rather how many lives you change. But in today’s economy changing lives comes at a price. Protect your brand at all costs.
It amazes me sometimes that people get angry when they see that I have websites under,,, where there are real testimonials from my real clients. They seem to always accuse me as if I am hiding something. I having nothing to hide, but I will protect my brand at all costs.
First of all, in business, your brand everything. Seventy percent of reviews written on Google are BS, made up, or maliciously done by your competitors trying to destroy you. When people search online, they don’t try to look for the best in people.. rather they will try and look for anything negative that will sway their decision to not buy or invest. It is weird, but negative reviews create affirmation for people to not take action.
I myself was a victim of such malicious attempts by numerous competitors who had put out a defaming report about how I screw clients over and how we never pick up the phone. Not only was this false, but it also couldn’t be further from the truth. My office obsesses over customer service; we train on it at least once a week. Despite this, over the next few months I lost a few clients because they had believed such ignorant, made up comments. Rather than waiting, I decided to call the website which had posted the comment.. which by the way was hiding behind the first amendment and didn’t want to talk to me. That probably lasted a few minutes until I offered cash. Offer accepted and minutes later I had the name of the person (which was fake), an email address (also fake), and an IP address. My forensic IT person took the IT address, put it into a database and it gave us the exact address. Googled the address and what do you know, it was a competitor. The next step was a nasty letter from my lawyers and then the competitor begging for mercy, resulting in a big settlement for me. Not a pleasant experience, but I was lucky to get such results; many don’t.
Anyone who would resort to making up fake reviews so that they can hurt any person, company, and brand is not only bad karma but simply not ethical. BS lawsuits filed which are one sided and more often than get dismissed or settled out of court always get one side of the story. No one reports the good news that it was dismissed, they report only the bad. Good news doesn’t make the news. If it bleeds it leads.. as they say in the news world. We are a society that strives on negativity rather than stories of success and significance.
What does this mean for you?
Well, you need to protect your brand. I have heard dozens of people who had their name combined with scam/fraud/ purchased by a competitor who then built a BS website making false allegations– everything ranging from indictments, rape, to being investigated by the FBI (all fake). The person or company is defenseless because the website has a hosting program in another country and there is nothing you can do except cry and see your reputation and brand equity wash away along with your business. When your kids, friends, family, future business prospect all Google you, this is what they see. Bad reviews climbs fast in Google and good reviews doesnt really get read. So you have to protect your brand, it’s almost suicide if you don’t. Remember the higher the monkey climbs the tree, the more you are exposed– a downside of fame and success, big or small, is in your market place.
What should you do?
1) Buy at (I own the company),,,, and, except do it in your name.
2) Get a testimonial from every client with whom you do business and spread it out among all your websites. Keep your best ones for the review site. DO NOT MAKE UP FALSE REVIEWS. It is not only unethical, but also could haunt you later in business and life. If you choose to do nothing and put no testimonials up, that’s fine too but at 9 dollars a year, it’s worth keeping them under your control.
3) Sign up your kids’ and grandkids’ names. Dot coms are becoming very valuable and there are people who snap up other kids’ names in the hopes that one day they will buy it from them. You may not think you need them now, but one day they may be an author, entrepreneur or the next president.
4) Use a free WordPress blog; it will give you maximum SEO.
So to answer the critics, why would I put real and honest testimonials on the various websites rather than lose business to people who might see malicious, defamatory and libelous fake testimonials that threaten all the hard work I have put in? All you have in this world is your name, credibility and reputation. What gets put on Google tends to stay there forever and can haunt you for years without the proper SEO strategy. It used to be that bad news would have a lifecycle of 1-2 days– not with Google; it follows you like the plague.
Everyone always says, ‘this will never happen to me’, until it does. I have seen people whose kids come back crying because other kids Google their family and they see a fake review saying that the father had scammed someone, which was not true. It’s something I wish never happens to you or your family. You must take preventative action now, because if someone does attack your brand, you will have some seasoned websites and track record to defend yourself against any attacks.
Rather than to see others happy and succeed in this world, most prefer to tear others down. I was one of those who would point the finger, but my coaches made me realize that when you point the finger at someone you usually have 3 fingers pointing right back at you.
Remember, in life all you have is your name, reputation and credibility, and if you don’t protect it, it will wash away with any chance of legacy you have here on earth.
With Mega Partnering VII 10 days away I have decided to make what some might see a controversial decision.
I have decided to take my business and life in a new direction. As a result I have decided to hire a new 9-figure coach and will be announcing him live at Mega Partnering VII. I have been trying to get him to coach me for years and he agreed early this morning. Nido, George, and the rest of the coaches will stay on board and agree with my decision. My obligation is on two fronts:
1) Making my students more successful
2) Continuing to be disruptive & innovative in the market place.
Coach Meir is a wonderful man and this is nothing personal. Its merely a decision based on a change in direction for where I see the business going. This has been one of the hardest decisions I have had to make, but sometimes you just have to go with your gut.
Any of you who are enrolled in upcoming classes with Meir, this changes nothing for you, this simply relates to my life and business.
Over the past 5 years or so China has quickly become one of the worlds most high-growth countries in the world. In terms of GDP and financial stability, they’re trumping almost every other country on Earth.
And with a population of 1.3 BILLION (roughly 4.3x the size of the United States), hundreds of millions of new prospects, new partners and new opportunities are coming online on a daily basis.
The problem is…
You probably don’t speak Mandarin
The Asian culture is very different than North American’s
What’s to stop them from ripping you off?
You don’t have anyone you know you can trust
You have no idea where to start
Before I made the decision to enter the Chinese market, I had these same doubts. In fact my previous dealing with Asians in North America led me to think of them as over-analytical, full of excuses and constantly backing out of deals at the last moment.
So you can imagine my hesitation.
But Then I Decided
To Test The Market Anyway
Throughout my career I’ve made millions of dollars by pushing past my initial fears and worries and plunging in anyway, even though I had no idea what the outcome would be.
So after months of thinking about it… I decided to jump in and test the waters.
The results?
Having been in the market for roughly 3 months now, I’m KICKING MYSELF for having not done it sooner! The endless opportunities in this country are simply mind-blowing.
My initial preconceptions of them were absolutely dead-wrong. Instead I’ve discovered that these folks are hard-working, (still very analytical), dedicated and extremely passionate and willing to do whatever it takes to pull themselves out of the train wreck the country has been living in the past few decades.
I’ve discovered that China, for me, is as close to a license to print money as you can get.
Here Are 5 Quick Tips You Can Use
To Profit From China
I’ve learned dozens of important lessons in my dealing with China. Below are the top five I think can benefit you the most.
Lesson #1: Brand Matters
The Chinese want to know about the person they’re dealing with. They want to know you are trustworthy. That’s why it’s crucial to establish your brand immediately, including who you are, why they should trust you and how you can help them. The more credible your brand is, the more respect you will be given.
Lesson #2: Bragging Helps
In most parts of the world, being humble is respected more than bragging. However in China it’s the exact opposite. So talk yourself up and tell them who you know, what you own and what successes you’ve had.
Lesson #3: Negotiate Like A Champ
The Chinese love to negotiate, so start high and drop down. To them, getting a good deal is almost as satisfying as the product or service itself. Don’t be afraid to get a little dirty. Just take a little time beforehand to understand their culture, so you don’t offend them. They’ll walk away at the drop of a hat if you do.
Lesson #4: Verify Everything
Everything you do should be in writing, clearly spelled out. I recommend the “trust but verify” rule. For some reason, I’ve found that they tend to want to change the terms of an agreement at the last minute. I believe this is part of their negotiation tactics.
Lesson #5: Get More Foot Massages
This is one of the more unusual tips, but it’s very important. For some reason, they love to have meetings late at night while getting a foot massage. If you currently have some kind of foot phobia, I suggest getting over it. I’ve literally finalized deals while getting a foot massage at 1 a.m. (multiple times), so trust me on the importance of this.
Looking back, one of the biggest mistakes of my career is not jumping into this market sooner. I have businesses all over the world and in China I am growing my business roughly 5x faster then all my other markets combined.
That’s how amazing this country is.
If you’re looking for a new growth strategy this year, make it a China growth strategy. As with any new strategy, there are negatives (after all it’s not easy moving into a new market), but the reward is WELL worth the effort. I promise you, it will prove to be one of the most financially smart decisions you’ve made in the past decade.