JT Foxx’s Charity Work of Success with Significance


Money does not bring happiness but it does sure bring freedom. All perspective seems to go away when you spend all day at a place like St-Jude Children’s Hospital. I have been on the board of the Eric Trump Foundation for a while now where all proceeds go to this amazing hospital but I actually never made the trip despite all the money I have helped raise. What I saw at the hospital was part WOW at the amazing process they have put together. Continue reading

Another JT Foxx Coaching Succcess Story!

Another coaching success story. Thabo Eric Mashale was a guy who drove me to the airport with a crappy car, and 1 year after coaching with us he has 5 cars now, runs companies in Cape Town and Johannesburg, owns a beautiful home in Midrand and wants to move in Dainfern. He has his own driver so he can network with his clients and started another business which is a networking group. He is black and did not do it with BEE government. I am so proud of him and he is now a huge success story because of my coaching. Please share this amazing success story. #CoachingWorks #MillionaireUnderdog #FamilyFirst

– JT Foxx

For more success stories please visit http://jtfoxxsuccessstories.com/

To submit your success story please visit http://jtfoxxcoachingsuccess.com/

People’s Favorite Energy Drink HATERADE

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I get so many emails and messages each day on how to handle betrayal, haters, nay-sayers and non-believers. Let me be the first to tell you that it’s not an easy thing. As Sylvester Stallone told me personally. you have to take that negative energy and sort of turn it into a driving force. People often wonder why I fight back against haters and why do I even give them attention. Well perhaps like Stallone says, I have used that fuel to drive me and not give them the satisfaction of failing. Haters are like bullies and they often either keep hating because no one ever says anything back or they hate because they can’t do it themselves and would rather see you fail because if you do, they feel better about themselves for not succeeding.

The lesson should be
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Why Do People Hate on Other People’s Success?


“My coach told me that haters are like crickets. Crickets make a lot of noise; you hear them but you can’t see them. Then, right when you walk by them, they’re quiet. At least the cockroach doesn’t pretend to be anything else. I know where it stands.”

Everyone loves a good entrepreneurial story on the way up, but as soon as you make it, they all want to see you come down. Success brings out jealousy and haters. I don’t know why… it’s already hard enough to live life as it is, why shouldn’t we celebrate those who make it so we can learn together and create more successful stories?
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What are your Chances of Success?


So you want to be wealthy… well, join the club. The problem is that everyone wants to get rich, but no one wants to work for it. There is a lot of room at the top when it comes to success, but it’s the bottom that is crowded.

Rule #1 of success is that the less excuses you have, the more successful you will become. I created for you a chance of success chart based on coaching thousands of people, speaking in over 30 different countries, and looking at the thousands of success stories we have created.

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Growth vs. Profit – JT Foxx Strategies


It is so good to be on my comeback tour! This past weekend in South Africa we had over 1,700 people at my event, with people overflowing into the hallway outside the ballroom entrance and others sitting on the floor. It certainly looks like my strategies are working, and the reviews are off the charts. 

What is the key to success? 

This is the question everyone is asking me right now, including the lady sitting next to me who recognized me as I was headed to Poland to open up that market personally. My theme for 2014 was “It’s all about Growth,” yet we have hit a few bumps on the road along the way. I now believe I had the wrong strategy. After expanding in 29 countries worldwide, the idea remains that growth is important, but profit is a much more valuable measure. If you don’t manage your business based on facts, numbers, and statistics, you will fail. You can lie to yourself and talk about the what ifs and tell yourself it will get better, but the reality is that in business, the numbers never lie and they are a direct reflection of the all the decisions you have made. 
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JT Foxx Speaks to 11,000 Underprivileged Kids in South Africa

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One of my proudest moments as a speaker and a coach was this past weekend. I was at my sold out event in Johannesburg, South Africa, where we had over 1,700 people in a place which only fit 1,200. People were standing outside the doors and sitting on the floor. It’s an amazing feeling, the difference I have made not only in South Africa but all over the world. My business model has always been powered by your success. I heard about so many people’s lives I have changed, and it’s quite overwhelming.

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Success is Contagious—My First South African Coaching Student

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My business model is simple, I am powered my by clients’ success stories. The more successful they are, the more successful I become. The residual effects of their successes are that the more attention I get, the more clients come to us, and the more business opportunities I have to buy or invest.

As stated previously, I was very concerned about coming to South Africa because of what I had heard. I really had no intention of building a business. I had planned to go and speak with Richard Branson, then head right back home. But I quickly fell in love with the country and its people, and I created my vision to change the entrepreneurial landscape, which I did. When you have as many businesses as I do and travel the world, sometimes you forget to take a deep breath and smell the roses and get those success stories to share with the world so we can all learn from each other. Negative people are quick to point the finger and tell everyone they know how bad you are, and that you are a scam artist and fraudster. So, I have decided to fight back with two of the most effective weapons I have, the truth and the results.

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