FRANK (student of J.T.) is the New Ambassador of Student Relations

JT Foxx F Walsh

As you know we have been growing like crazy and sometimes when you get big very quickly you have growing pains and you lose touch. Thankfully I have Jessica who does the job of 15 and has done wonders for the organization. Frank is a real estate agent and has been a great student and approached me because he wanted to give back for all the wonderful inspiration and guidance I have given him. He offered to join my organization as long as the majority of his time would still be spending investing in real estate. His job title is Ambassador of Student Relations and his job is to ensure we stay in touch and I am made up to date on your progress and any issues you may have. Every day I will be getting reports from him and this will allow me to keeps tabs on you and adjust my teaching accordingly. If you want to get in touch with Frank you can do so at [email protected].

This proves once again that I do great things with my students and that together we are taking over and making dreams happen. Welcome to the Team Frank.

J.T. Spends the Day Mentoring Students in the Pool


Hey guys I spent the day mentoring one of my students in the pool today and I have to say DL and I came up with brilliant ideas. In fact I believe more deals get done in the pool than in other place…lol. We came up with a couple of Million dollars ideas that I will pass on to you guys soon. Life is good when you are doing great deals and sharing the wealth and time with other other students you care about. The mentoring program has changed the life of many of my students and helped them take their game to the next level. The best part of it that the program has shown huge results. We also have a fiancancing program too that could be no interest, no payments for 6 months. I am willing to help change your life, are you ready to change yours.

If you are interested email [email protected]

P.S. After beung gone for 10 days I am finally coming home tomorrow


J.T. Foxx’s New Self Promotion Program is a MEGA HIT!!!


Hey Everyone, I have been working on my new program Get Noticed or Die Broke, How to Promote Yourself to Millions and Dominate Your Market. I finally got it done and launched it at the Women’s Business Empowerment in Scottsdale, Arizona, which was like 105 outside. IT WAS SOOO HOT. I had never spoken at a business event before and I can honestly say that I was very nervous. To make sure I succeed I practiced all day Saturday afternoon and woke up at 4:00am to practice again so I could speak at 8:30 Sunday morning. I had no idea how the people where going to react to my new product. I channeled all my nervousness and took that energy and put into my presentation. The result was OFF THE HOOK. Everyone loved it and I think I stumbled onto something big here. As I have said many times promotions is one of the most important aspects to succeeding in today’s market. My topics included establishing a powerful brand, networking like and to multi-millionaires and teaching you how to dominate your market step by step. So what did I learn from this experience.

1) That I am human and I get nervous just like everyone else

2) The key to making my presentation work and very successful was practicing it 30 times before hand

3) I visualized myself doing my presentation and speaking in front of an all women crowd.

4) I did a lot of research on my audience and thought long and hard on how I was different and unique in this industry and made sure it was conveyed in my presentation.

In the end it does not matter what business you are in, if you apply yourself and are consistent in your efforts you will succeed. I am so excited at what the future holds and together we are going to make great things happen. I will be talking about self promotion at my next two day Get Rich or Die Broke event so don’t worry you are not missing out. You are going to be amazed at what I have to say but more importantly my strategies work.

P.S. I found a great real estate deal while I was down there, I love this market!!!

P.P.S. Look out for the blog tomorrow on visualization

J.T. Foxx

This week on the radio show J.T. welcomes Jeff Lewis & David Lakhani


This week on my radio show I welcome Jeff Lewis from the reality show on BRAVO Flipping Out and David Lakhani best selling author of the art of everything you want. The show is on KABC in Southern Caifornia on 790am on Saturday mornings at 8am and Chicago Saturday at 10:00am & Sunday at 2:00pm. or listen online at or

Make sure you listen because it is going to be a great show.

George Ross on the J.T. Foxx Show this week

D. Trump

Hey guys I welcome George Ross to the my show this week, he is a great friend and Donald Trump’s right hand man. George will talk about how to make millions in today’s market. We will also interview Wayne Allyn Root who is running vice president for the libetarian Party and also the author of millionaire republican. The show will be heard in Chicago on 560am on Saturday at 10am CT & and in Southern California on KABC 790am on Saturday mornings at 8am PT. For everyone else you can listen live online at

This is a show you don’t want to miss and please spread the word and help me inspire the lives of others.

MEGA BARBECUE with J.T. Foxx and Bill Walsh


Bill Walsh and I have decided to put on a mega barbecue for our students, friends, family and listeners to celebrate our new national syndication deal, the success of our students and the opportunity network with great people. The barbecue will be in Barrington Saturday and will start at 2pm until 10pm. We will have 2 bands, great food and great company. Don’t forget to bring a case of something or booze to the party.

If you interested please email [email protected] and leave all your information and we will email or call you back. Get ready for great fun.

Our Tax Dollars Are Going to Waste!

Freddie Mac

A lot of you have emailed me about your outrage about this new bailout plan. There is a website going around Check it out and you be the judge and jury about this. Remember history always seems to repeat itself, and if people don’t take accountability for their mistakes how will they learn. This will set a very dangerous precedant for the future. This whole situation may be bad but it is providing one of the greatest opportunities to buy great deals. I LOVE IT.

Is this the Worst Landlord in the Country or moochers at work?

I don’t know what to think when I watch this. I feel bad for the landlord and then I don’t. I hate how the city inspector comes in and starts making this huge list. I can tell you that no matter what they always find something and it will cost you HUGE money. The system is against us when it comes to being landlords and that is because we are the bad guys because we make big money. In NYC they have rent control on top of it all. Watch and learn what not to do and what to stay away from.


Sorry guys due to our national syndication rollout this morning and the heavy internet traffic to both of our websites and CRASHED. If you registered for the event last week, our data also got lost, so please re-register and if you listened to our shows today and were not able to register you can either call 877 247-3364 or email [email protected] to register. Make sure you include name, telephone number and email address when you call or email. Remember the events are Aug 16th and 17th in IRVINE and Aug 22 & 23rd in Chicago. We will email or call you back with more details. I am very sorry for the confusion and thanks for listening.

J.T. Foxx