Real Estate Investors will Save the Economy


In the mist of this financial crisis, some 40,000 of New York’s 185,700 Wall Street jobs could be lost. But who cares. They made their bed, let them lie in it. This bailout has been nothing more than a big mess and I am 110% sure our lawmakers have no clue what they are doing. There is no clear plan and blue print to get us out of this mess, only talk and finger pointing. A lot of people are losing money and everyone hands out for a hand me down. We are becoming a nation of beggars and people are failing to take accountability. Fear is running though the veins of all Americans and spurring panic and I couldn’t be happier. Fear will be my greatest ally to pick up deals for pennies on the dollars because the more scared people are the greater need to discount they will feel compelled.

We have arrived at a point in history when I think real estate investors are the ones who will save the economy. We are the ones who will ultimately bail the government out and buy these loans they will be stuck owning.

Once vilified, real estate investors will become the heroes this economy in years to come. Throughout history, it is the real estate investors who have shaped economies, not Wall Street. It is just plain wrong that we have created a system that compensates people who mismanaged their business and personal finances. Our new system has no accountability and checks and balances.

In the end it is vital for us to solve this problem and come up with a sustainable business model and incentive structure for those real estate investors who will stick their neck out and get involved in the game. Otherwise, this government will continue to spend and waste money to unworthy causes.

The current financial crisis may have created a perfect moment to revisit the entire structure of capitalism as we see it today and should reward those who pursue their American Dream instead of those who have their hand out.

There is a shakeout in the real estate industry. The dreamers and speculators are out of the business and now the serious people like you and I are left in the business. My primary message to real estate investing professionals and entrepreneurs is that if we are going to make it in this new Real Estate Economy together is if we fundamentally switch gears on how we do business.

Become entrepreneurs and real estate investors. Create. Dive in. Innovate. Lead. Add value. Now is our time!!!

Time for Answers!!!


One of the hottest events in the country is happening in Chicago this weekend. 25 ways to make a fortune in real estate in the middle of a 700 billion dollar bailout & 9 ways the OBama factor will change the real estate market forever. No one is else is teaching this event in the country. Enough with the questions and doubts, its time for solutions.
There is a lot of fear right now in the market, which means this is your time to take full advantage of it. You have no idea how many great deals are being bought up right now for pennies on the dollar by investors just like you. Now is you time this weekend to shine and learn to build a new blue print for the next 18 month. We are in a New Real Estate Economy and its time to change the way we think and do business. For more information please visit:



Sorry I have not been around the last couple of days. My grand mother passed away this past weekends. Thank you for your prayers and thoughts. I know she is looking down and is proud of me and everything I have done. I knew she loved that I was helping so many people acheive their American Dream. May she rest in peace. I already miss you Nana!
J.T. Foxx

What!!! President Elect Barack Obama & J.T. Foxx!!!

Barack Obama

J.T. Foxx has cancelled his trip in Asia on November 15th, so he can stay behind and teach his students the impact Barack Obama will have on the real estate game. November 15th and 16th J.T. will teach you 9 ways the real estate market will change forever under our new President Elect. Click here for more infomation and to register. Our last 2 day FREE event sold out in two days, don’t miss your opportunity to change your life and stay ahead of the game.

J.T. Foxx on a Property Tour of California Properties

I have to say I was very suprised at the state of the California real estate market. I went with my mentoring students on a property tour of 5 properties this past Monday in the valley in Los Angeles. I saw properties in 2006 sold for 596K and on the market now for 265K. Forbes magazine said LA would be the first market to rebound and I think i know why. I saw something this week California has not seen in a decade “POSITIVE CASH FLOW”. So gear up California because there are great deals coming your way. Make sure you are selective and wait for the homerun deal.

House Values drop 16.6%

Spend A Lot

WASHINGTON — Home prices in 20 major U.S. cities dropped 1% in August compared with July and had fallen a record 16.6% from the previous year, according to the Case-Shiller home price index published Tuesday by Standard & Poor’s. Prices have fallen in all 20 cities compared with a year ago. Only two of the 20 cities showed price gains in August: Boston and Cleveland. The largest declines in August were found in the San Francisco metro area, where prices fell 3.5%. In the past year, Phoenix and Las Vegas have had the largest declines, down nearly 31% in both cities. For the original 10-city index, prices fell a record 17.7% in the previous 12 months.

As you can see the bottom is very near. If you take a look at all the trends we should start rebounding within the next 6-8 months. You never wait for the bottom to start investing because firstly you can never predict the bottom and secondly the fear of the market are giving way to incredible deals for pennies on the dollars.

Happy Investing

J.T. Foxx

Short Sale Class a HUGE SUCCESS

Thank you to all the students who attended the recent short sale class in Chicago. As promised the class was small, limited and initiate. We actually role played out real life short sale situations as if we were doing a real short sales in today’s market. Although we had well over 100 people who wanted to attend this class but could not because of the class size limit.

The reason I like the role playing is because it gives people a real sense of how it out there in the real world. All it takes is one deal, one opportunity and one person to change your life. The great deals are now and everywhere and with the market in chaos now is the time to lay your claim to destiny.

I feel bad for all of you who really wanted to take advantage of the short sales class but couldn’t because the class was full. My philosophy has always been no one should be left behind and being students and friends of mine I am thinking I might do two day short class during the week before the end of the year. If you are interested email me at [email protected].

I thought the class was awesome and really left the students ready to go out there and get a piece of all those great short sale class the market is offering.

Happy Investing

J.T. Foxx

You're Tax Dollars at Work!!!!


This is what happens when you don’t let the free market system work itself out. People expect the government will bail them out and then take advantage of the system. The irony here is that the government is run the same way. There is so much wasted money on programs that are not needed or programs that are only funded only because of special interest group wanted them. America needs to run like a business because if it made money like any other business it could lower our taxes with the profits it would make. But the problem is that Congress and the Senate have noooooooooo experience in buying homes, running a business or balancing a budget. The government spending 85 billion to bailout AIG only to have them couple of days later spend $400,000 on SPA treatments and golf outing is nothing more than CRIMINAL. Maybe that is why they are in trouble in the first place because of outrageous practices like these. This is an outright shame and injustice to all tax payers. But don’t worry Obama has the solution, he is going to raise taxes for anyone who makes over $250,000!!! Let us reward the unsuccessful companies with free taxpayer’s money and send a message to all other Americans. “If you achieve the American dream we are going to tax it because we need to pay for the unsuccessful ones we are bailing out”, that is our reward. Click on the article to read the insanity.

Read This Article…

Mentoring Students Look at Deals with Adam

Hello Everyone,

This is Adam Ackerman, Student of JT’s and now head Coach/Mentor.
For many of you who don’t know who I am. I am a full time real estate investor with Jt and on my own. I started out like most of you, not knowing how to do my first deal, but knowing that this is something I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Having said that, I had done a few deals on my own and with a few other partners, but nothing with any true consistency. I met JT in December of 07 and signed up for his Get Rich or Die Broke course and immediately started following his program step by step. A few months later I had lunch with JT and asked him if I could mentor with him. I was able to watch how he negotiated deals, spoke with home owners, talk with investors and so many other things that I can say I was blown away. It was well worth the money I spent because it totally eliminated the learning curve for me. These past 6 months have been a roller coaster of excitement and frustration. I am now proud to say that I have done over 20 deals this year alone and am on pace to do about 50 deals over the next 18 months. It changed my life so much that I asked JT if I could share my experience and knowledge with you..His students. So as of August 2008 we have launched a Real Estate Success coaching and mentoring program designed to help you get to that next level no matter what your current situation is. Continue reading

J.T. Foxx in Canada and Exclusive Short Sale Webinar

Canada Flag

Hey everyone, I am writing this blog post from Canada. I am visiting my family, friends, doing business and taking care of my passport stuff. I have told the story to many of you about my best friends who used to be my president of short sales. Last month he made over 160K doing short sales from Canada. Tonight he will be on the call with me. The webinar is a can’t miss event tonight. Check your emails for more info. The webinar is tonight at 8:15 central time. IF you don’t have the info please email frank at [email protected] or call him 773 971-1717.

Happy Monday