Is The Recession Affecting You? Recession Help Expo is HERE!

I am very excited to be a part of this awesome event in San Diego this Sunday June 28th.  Recession Help Expo is a FREE all day event with the goal of helping everyone affected by the recession.  This event will provide resources, opportunities, aid, assistance, and information during this difficult time for many Americans.  We are not waiting for a government solution.  We’ll have outreach agencies, non-profits, entrepreneurs, assistance programs, and private sector help giving real answers to today’s problems.  This is an event you should not miss.  You are responsible for your own future.  This weekend get the answers, support and help you deserve. This is the first event of its kind, and it is one that you cannot miss if you are in San Diego.  The exhibitors, speakers, and volunteers coming together for this event are leaders that are thriving in this economy.  They get it, and they will help you to get back on your feet and never look back.  Don’t miss out!  It will not only be educational and helpful, but it will be fun!  If you bring your kids along, they will be able to go on the Star of India and all of the San Diego Maritime Museum Historic ships & USS Midway FOR FREE!  So come on over to the Holiday Inn right on the bay of San Diego and enjoy the day knowing you will leave ready to face this recession head on!  Again, the expo is this Sunday, June 27th 8:30 am – 6:30 pm.  I will be speaking during the 3:30-4:30 Workshops, so make sure to stop by for some helpful information that everyone can utilize. 

Check out the website here


 Holiday Inn On The Bay

1355 North Harbor Drive


Sears Tower Getting a Makeover?

There is a piece of real estate in Chicago that has been making national news this week.  A real estate investment group that owns the Sears Tower is gearing up to build a 500-room 50-story glass luxury hotel right next to our countries tallest building.  Why you might ask?  Well, the tower’s new neighbor was proposed as a part of the effort to make the famously black Sears Tower more “green”.  The group is planning to spend $350 million to make this happen for the tower alone.  This would include replacing every window of Sears tower to be more energy efficient.  There are plans for a rooftop-to-plaza renovation with solar panels, wind turbines, and much more.  The hotel itself, which would be located right next door and near the entrance to the Skydeck observation deck, will feature “net zero” use of energy.  But is it smart to be making these plans in this economy?  The investors involved sure think so.  Obviously, it will be a challenge because Chicago hotels are already having such a difficult time keeping their room rates and occupancy up.  But these investors insist that by the time the hotel is complete, the demand will be back.  Of course we need to make our planet “green”, but will the city be up for the challenge?  It will be interesting to see how this plays out.    

This is not the only change the tower will be experiencing, with the naming writes expiring 6 years ago, the tower will be receiving a new name.  Willis Tower is the winner.  I wonder how quickly people will take to this name. 

Check out the article

I am so excited to be in Chicago this weekend!  Have you registered for my Chicago investing event?  It is going to be GREAT so make sure to claim your spot at    


What's Going On in Detroit?

Today, real estate investors from all over the world are jumping on the incredibly low home prices in Detroit Michigan.  In fact, many are buying bundled properties in bulk.  This has led to the increased price of leases in some of the hardest economically hit neighborhoods.  Many investors are looking to get their properties qualified to be Section 8 housing in order to help low-income families rent homes.  This is something to really consider because you would not have to worry about missed payments.  There are even some investors partnering with nonprofits.  There is so much opportunity for real estate investors everywhere today, and there’s a hotbed of activity in Detroit!


Check out the article here 


Don’t Forget, This Weekend Only, I will be in Chicago speaking about how to invest in today’s Chicago market!  If you have not yet, make sure to register at  Spaces are filling up fast, and I want to make sure YOU claim yours!



Chicago Shows Promise

We can now see that Chicago home sales have shown it’s fourth consecutive monthly improvement during the month of May.  While this is good news, we must remember that the median home price is still significantly behind what it was a year ago.  There is a long way to go for a full recovery, but a real estate investor can still capitalize on the market before the recovery.  Real estate investors can even help the market on its way back up.  You can be a part of this savvy investment group that is thriving in this market.  Once the market is back in it’s prime, there will not be as much room for unique investors.  Learn how to create your edge now!

This weekend only, come hear me speak about how to invest in today’s Chicago market.  Come to invest in your future success, you will be so glad you did.  I am so excited to share this information with you, and to help you to become the investor with the unique edge that is so crucial in today’s market.  I will be there Saturday and Sunday, June 27th & 28th, so hurry up and register at to guarantee your place, as space is very limited! 

See you there!

Click here to read the article about Chicago’s home sales 


Who Says An iPhone Isn't a Business Phone?

The iPhone is quickly proving to be a powerful business tool.  This little phone can provide a helpful hand in your business, but you have to know where to look.  It is easy to get lost in the hundreds of thousands of applications offered, and because there are so many people with the iPhone, I thought I would give a little breakdown of some great applications that everyone in real estate could really utilize.   

1)    Zillow: This application uses GPS to determine your location, and as you drive, Zillow will tell you estimated real estate values for the houses you are near.  This application was made for people in real estate and can help to give you an edge over competition.

2)    Trulia: This application gives you up-to-date home value information.  You can search for the listing wherever you are and it will even map out listings.  You can even save the listings that stand out right onto your iPhone. 

3)    Evernote: This application allows you to keep track of all of the contacts and colleagues you meet while networking or on the road.  Take a picture of the their business card with your iPhones camera and Evernote will scan that information so it’s waiting for you in text form back on your desktop.

4)    Sketches: With this application you can take a picture of a property and email it to a client (or whomever) and mark it up, you can add arrows and notes right on top of the photograph!

5)    Nearby: This is one that I believe more people are aware of, but it is important to have an application like this handy.  It shows you everything that is around the property you are working with.  You might even find places that you were not aware of! 

So go do some application searching to make your phone work for you and your business!


JT Foxx Talks About Real Estate Scams


There is no way around it, if you are a real estate investor you will get sued. Real estate investors are often vilified as sharks and bottom feeders that prey on the misfortunes of the little old lady who didn’t know what was going on. Yes there are bad apples in every industry but it doesn’t mean that the whole orchard is poisoned. If anything, it is real estate investors who increase value of neighborhood properties by taking homes nobody wants, fixing them up, and substantially increasing their value. Yet special interest groups and “do-gooders” don’t see it that way, instead they focus on the profit real estate investors make rather then the good we do.  If you are a real estate investor there are three things certain in life, death, taxes, and getting sued.

After buying and selling over 500 properties in a 5 year span, there is something that I see time and time again.  When you save a distressed homeowner, you are their hero at the closing, but quickly turn into the bad guy as soon as that first person comes along and tells them they got taken advantage of, even if it isn’t true.  Investors are then shaken down by free legal service that, of course, believes every word that this distressed homeowner is saying.  I have learned that these distressed homeowners will say anything and everything to keep their home, even if it means lying.  If you tell a lie for long enough, you come to believe it yourself, which is exactly what happens to distressed homeowners after years of litigation.      

First, when you get sued, you want to fight on the principle that you are right and they are lying, even though you will quickly realize that the legal system is not about right or wrong, but how much your lawyer will take from you.  While you are fighting this, the distressed homeowner will be enjoying free rent, free legal service, and free press, and you are left with nothing but a big legal bill.  Let’s be honest here, even if you win (like I have), you lose.  The system is unfair, but I have now accepted it as part of doing business.  As a result, I would like to offer you some wise words of wisdom.     

1)    Never keep the distressed homeowners in their home via a land contract or lease option: Many states have passed draconian laws that actually outlaw or restrict how much money you can make even you do a lease option with a homeowner in foreclosure. Not only do these laws end up hurting the people they intend to protect, they are also unconstitutional and in violation of the freedom of contract contained in the 14th amendment. The problem is that most real estate investors are lone wolves and unlike Realtors who have a mega-lobbying machine, no one is willing to undertake the massive cash needed for lobbying, or willing to sue all the way to the Supreme Court.

2)    Video tape the last 10 minutes of your closing: I am probably one of the only ones in the country who videotapes the last part of his real estate closings. You can have all the disclosures in the world saying what the transaction is, but in court, the distressed homeowner will complain he never read it or didn’t understand it. A picture is worth a thousand words and there is no bigger deterrent then telling opposing counsel that you have a video of how great you were and how they understood the entire transaction knowing exactly what was going on the entire time.

3)    Get written and/or video testimonials: Often times during the closing there is a lot of waiting around for things to get done. I have used this opportunity to have the distressed homeowner write me a handwritten testimonial and/or get a flip video testimonial. These don’t only work as legal insurance against the possibility of getting sued; they also prove to be great testimonials for other homeowners and your marketing material.

4)    Disclosure, Disclosure, Disclosure: When in doubt, disclosure. When it comes to real estate there is no gray area, just black or white. Sometimes the best deals you do are the ones you don’t do, so if your gut tells you it’s not right, trust it. More often than not you will be right.

5)    If they are over 60 years old and in distress, walk away: Now, it may seem harsh, but even when you do everything by the book legally and ethically, no judge in the world will ever favor against a 60 year old woman when her house is the last thing keeping her alive.  Attorneys end up working pro-bono, and you are instantly vilified and easily accused of taking advantage of them.  Family members often step in (who were never around during times of hardship) and claim, “You shouldn’t have done this!”  They cry fraud and you are the bad guy.  So if you get a phone call from someone that is 60 years old and over in distress give them your competitions phone number.   

Don’t let this scare you, in fact, it took me years to figure this out and I wish I had this kind of information handy.  Real estate investing is still the best way to make a tremendous amount of money starting from scratch. Remember, a Wiseman learns from his mistakes, while a genius learns from other people’s mistakes. Incorporate these things in your business and you will be 97% ahead of your competition.  Success is not a matter of chance, but a matter of choice, now go out there and make it happen playing the best game in the world…real estate.


More Good News for Real Estate Investors


We can capitalize in any market. With foreclosures up 18 percent over the last year, many people only see gray skies ahead. But real estate investors can see the blue peeking through those clouds.  It’s all in how you look at it people!  Buying foreclosures is essentially a win-win situation for all parties involved, and now is the time to be bold, step up to the plate, and work your business. Don’t let the economy get you down, but help to pick it back up.

Read the article here

House Bill 1728…The End of Owner Financing?

NervousAbsolutely not! House Bill 1728: Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act, has really made some investors very nervous, but don’t believe everything you hear. There have been many complaints about how this newly passed bill will eliminate owner-financed deals to once every 36 months. Nowhere in this bill does it state any such thing. Bill 1728 simply reforms the definition of the “Truth in Lending” law so that owner financed deals are included. The bill is really common sense in that your owner financed deals should comply with RESPA, federal rules and disclosures, and of course, qualify your buyer. So all in all, this bill is really nothing to worry about. But, as always, make sure to read it yourself!

Read the bill here

Short Sales A Definite Answer


Two great lessons, one, how powerful short sales can be in building your business and two, how important it is to persist when you know the deal will turn a great profit. There is heavy competition with Short Sales right now but with consistent action, and sticking to your plan, you’ll see great profits. The greatest part is that it is actually much easier for a homeowner to do a short sale because banks have loosened the requirements so that homeowners only need to prove hardship or a looming deficit to enter into a short sale, whereas before one had to of missed a mortgage payment, and have a lis pendens filed by the bank. This is good news for us investors as the market for short sales is only growing!

Check out this article