The Apple Isn’t Rotting

Apple has released some interesting information on the state of their company.  It seems as though the only woes they are crying, are those of not being able to meet their demand for the iPhone and Macintosh computers.  Apple has reported a 15% jump in quarterly profit, and is certainly a company still thriving in this down market.  iPod sales are shown to have slipped, mostly likely because the iPhone is an iPod in itself.  But this does not worry the company, who recently had their best non-holiday quarter ever with profits of $1.2 billion on revenue of $8.34 billion.  And, I mean really, they are still are selling the iPod with every purchase of an iPhone.  This is a great example of how a business can thrive, even when the economy is down.  You must make the consumer or client believe that they need it.  If it is a necessity, the price does not seem to matter.  The iPhone is not exactly cheap, especially because you cannot have it without purchasing the pricey media package.  But because of it’s capabilities, it has become necessary in the eyes of the consumer.  Most people cannot even imagine life before their iPhone!  Apple knows how to speak to their demographic, and for that, they will most likely always thrive.

Great Game

Last night, JT brought some of his mentoring students with him to the Dodgers game. We had such a great time and they even won 7-5.  I took a couple pictures with some awesome people.  Check it out!

Me and Adam

Me and Ron and Rose

Some T-Shirts JT Wears

Happy Monday everyone!  Since it’s the beginning of the work week, why not start it off with some laughs?  Thought I would share a few pictures with all of you of some great t-shirts that I wear.  Have a great week, and enjoy!

Summer 2009: Vacation Hacking

If you are going on vacation or traveling on business this summer you should be extra careful about where you use your computer, especially in airports.  Internet fraud is something that is familiar to this generation, but there is a new way that tourists are being targeted.  Designated Wi-Fi hotspots are being hacked to pin unsuspecting tourists.  Information has been released warning people traveling with their laptops; for example, it was found during a recent investigation that only 3% of people in 27 airports were using a secure free public Wi-Fi.  Why does it matter?  Well, when you are on a hacked Wi-Fi, you are providing an open window to all of your computer’s information.  While sitting in the airport, many people check on their banking, buy stocks, and get ahead on work; whatever it may be it is usually private.

The most difficult part is that it can be close to impossible to spot these fraudulent networks, and we all know that during a layover, there is work to be done.  Unfortunately, there is not really a bright side (yet) to this story, you must be extremely cautious about what you are doing while away from your own wireless network.  But because these are hackers, of course it is difficult to put an end to this. 

Click here to read a great article with some suggestions on how to avoid being a victim of VACATION HACKING



My next FREE event has changed from July 18th and 19th to August 1st and 2nd!  Make sure to mark your calendars.  It is going to be GREAT, and I promise that you will take away powerful education that actually works in today’s market.  This is something that no one else is offering, and no one will ever offer for free.

Here are just a few things you will learn:

– How to invest in real estate without using any of your own money even if you have the money to invest.

– How to evaluate real estate deals in today’s market in less than 3 minutes.

– How to earn more but work less investing in real estate in today’s market.

– How to effectively flip properties in today’s market.

– Understand local and national real estate trends and how it will impact the market over the next 6 months.

– How to partner your way to Millions in real estate when banks are not lending right now.

– How to develop the right mindset and overcome all your fears. 

But you will not only learn what I am doing, you will also learn what my students are doing today, successfully!  Register today to avoid the crowd.  Space is very limited in order to keep the class intimate, so hurry and claim your spot!  See you there!

Click here to REGISTER  


GM Puts the Government in the Driver's Seat

On July 10th, General Motors announced their exit from bankruptcy.  The U.S. government now owns 60% of the company, and is already appointing new directors for the company.  This announcement came with some pretty confident promises for a new company.  Of course they need to proclaim change, otherwise people will not buy anything from them.  They are now saying that they will head out on the road to talk to consumers and dealers in order to really understand the U.S. market.  GM is really going to try to appeal to consumers again, but building confidence may not be easy.  With the government committing $50 billion to the automakers, it may look as though they are on the right track, but will this build consumer confidence or caution. A survey on has people favoring (by almost 70%) that GM will fail again.  You have to wonder if consumers will buy into this “new” company or hold on to their money and skepticism

Check out the article here.


Investing in Love

Who would have thought that one of the businesses thriving in this market would be online dating?  It looks like when the economy is bringing the bad news, people want to turn to other people to lift their spirits up.  Online matchmaking sites like eHarmony and OKCupid have seen membership rise up to 50 percent since September!  And, of course, these memberships are not free, they can set you back 20 bucks a month.  It is interesting to see where people are investing their money these days.  Prioritizing has become crucial; your money only goes where you see absolutely fit and necessary.  It is nice to know that there are so many people turning to other people for support through these difficult times instead of turning to self destructive behaviors.  We have all heard of those who have taken their lives because they feel as though they could not handle the pressure.  Relationships are becoming a priority among many Americans, which only makes sense because in this harsh world, the reality is; we find comfort in having others on our team and having constant support.  It is great to come across news like this when we hear so much negativity everyday.  If anything, this economy has helped many to realize what they truly value in life.

Check out this article to see why experts say people are turning to relationships.



JT Foxx Talks About Real Estate Scams

There is no way around it, if you are a real estate investor you will get sued. Real estate investors are often vilified as sharks and bottom feeders that prey on the misfortunes of the little old lady who didn’t know what was going on. Yes there are bad apples in every industry but it doesn’t mean that the whole orchard is poisoned. If anything, it is real estate investors who increase value of neighborhood properties by taking homes nobody wants, fixing them up, and substantially increasing their value. Yet special interest groups and “do-gooders” don’t see it that way, instead they focus on the profit real estate investors make rather then the good we do. If you are a real estate investor there are three things certain in life, death, taxes, and getting sued.

After buying and selling over 500 properties in a 5 year span, there is something that I see time and time again. When you save a distressed homeowner, you are their hero at the closing, but quickly turn into the bad guy as soon as that first person comes along and tells them they got taken advantage of, even if it isn’t true. Investors are then shaken down by free legal service that, of course, believes every word that this distressed homeowner is saying. I have learned that these distressed homeowners will say anything and everything to keep their home, even if it means lying. If you tell a lie for long enough, you come to believe it yourself, which is exactly what happens to distressed homeowners after years of litigation.

First, when you get sued, you want to fight on the principle that you are right and they are lying, even though you will quickly realize that the legal system is not about right or wrong, but how much your lawyer will take from you. While you are fighting this, the distressed homeowner will be enjoying free rent, free legal service, and free press, and you are left with nothing but a big legal bill. Let’s be honest here, even if you win (like I have), you lose. The system is unfair, but I have now accepted it as part of doing business. As a result, I would like to offer you some wise words of wisdom.

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