Carpool Anyone?

Gas prices have been rising like crazy lately, so naturally, driving seems to look less and less appealing to people across America. Oil prices jumped to a new high today which led Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke to say that the U.S. economy is nearing a recovery and that other economic data backed him up. The news of the price rise in oil came after the financial information company Markit said its composite purchasing managers index showed the European economy was stabilizing. The European recession seems to be coming to an end, which means that the euro could become even stronger, so more demand for oil. Because the weeks end showed the dollar falling to the euro, dollar-based oil was made cheaper across the world. Therefore, investments went into oil, which sets up the prices for gasoline and other fuels to rise even more. While gas prices show about a 16 cent rise from last month, there is still good news. Our prices are $1.077 cheaper than last year! With all of this talk about gas prices, new housing data has shown that people are buying. The National Association of Realtors has stated that home re-sales posted the largest monthly increase in at least 10 years, which may have had a hand in the higher energy prices. It is not clear where our oil prices are headed next, but it is almost funny to reminisce about the days when we were shocked that gas prices were about to hit two dollars.

What’s Coming Up?

A LOT! We are so excited about everything that is going on, and we are very busy for the duration of the month! This week we have the awesome 360 Event, then this weekend we have our Short Sale Event! I would love to extend YOU an offer to attend this event. It is going to be so great, and it is clear that Short Sales are incredibly relevant in this market. More relevant than ever! You can learn to master short sales, which can really give you the edge you need. If you are interested in attending, let us know! Send an email to [email protected] or call (877) 272-3031 ext. 136.

Next week we have the Partnering Class, and there are still a few openings. This is an awesome hands on course that will educate and challenge you to partner your way to millions. Partnering has become crucial in today’s business world, if you want to get ahead; you need to learn to partner. It can be very intimidating and people often get lost when thinking about partnering, but this course will show you step by step how it is done, successfully! Check out for more info.

Lastly (but not really) we have a FREE investing event next weekend. This is something that you really want to jump on board with, and quickly! Seats fill up very fast, so if you are interested in real estate investing, making money, or just doing business, you do NOT want to miss out on this. It is so rare, especially given today’s economy that people are offering up free and USEFUL education, so make sure to go and register at

I can’t wait to see you guys there!

And make sure you are tuning in to my radio show to stay up to date with everything that is going on in today’s market!

On Los Angeles 790 KABC: Saturday 1pm-2pm PST

On Chicago AM 560 WIND: Saturday 7am-8am CST; Sunday 3pm-4pm CST

Also on Chicago WLS 890 AM: Saturday 7am-8am CST

On Washington DC News Talk 630 WMAL: Saturday 1pm-2pm EST


On Toronto AM 640 Toronto Radio: Saturday 11am EST

JP Morgan Chase & Co Helps California

JPMorgan Chase & Co has just agreed to provide the State of California a short-term loan of $1.5 billion, which will allow the state to end its IOU program. This is the first time in almost 20 years that California was forced to issue IOUs. If you live in California, you have probably noticed Chase Banks popping up everywhere, and most likely, have heard the endless commercials on every media outlet letting you know that Chase bank is now in California. They have made a grand effort to appeal to the citizens of this state, and seem to be continuing to do so by helping the whole state out. This seems like it is a win-win situation for JPMorgan Chase & Co. Not only are they being seen in a bright light by Californian’s, they are also getting on the good side of the State government, which happens to be one of the largest bond issuers in the nation. This seems like a very smart investment on this company’s behalf. And California will now be able to repay government vendors and creditors on September 4th, instead of the maturity date on the IOUs of October 2nd. Seems like good news all around. Now let’s see how it plays out.

The “New” American Dream

“It’s time to accept that home ownership is not a realistic goal for many people and to curtail the enormous government programs fueling this ambition”, writes Thomas J. Sugrue. The American people are used to making adjustments, and this economy has come as no exception. While the familiar American dream entails owning your own home, the current American dream seems to only require a roof over your head. Many people are seeing today’s market as the renters market, no longer the buyers market, which actually, works well for real estate investors. Unfortunately, owning a house today has turned into a nightmare for so many. When times change, goals do too. It is really interesting to see how this shift occurs, how people begin to perceive happiness differently. The American dream is always attainable (and adjustable); never forget that.

Check out this great article I came across about today’s renting market.

Uh "O"

Popular government funded program, Cash for Clunkers, has not really been bringing in the good news. Auto dealers are unhappy that they are not being reimbursed for the majority of “Cash for Clunkers” deals they have made. There have been reports of up to a quarter million dollars worth of rebates going unpaid at single dealerships. This is forcing auto dealers to rethink their use of the program because it is not helping them during an already difficult time; the cash flow is just not there. Within only a couple weeks, dealers have submitted a total of $1.5 billion in rebate requests through this program. Not many of them have been reimbursed. While no one knows the total amount that has been paid out, there have been individual reports. For example, A survey of about 1/5 of Virginia’s 519 dealerships was done and showed that only 2.8% of about 4,000 “Cash for Clunkers” deals submitted have actually been paid. This is some risky business because there is a lot of money and expensive product on the line. Originally, the dealerships were expected to wait 10 days to receive their rebates. There have been many complications, and paperwork is not being approved. It really sounds like a huge mess. Maybe it was not such a great idea?

Time to be Optimistic

Ok, so it’s no secret that the economy is hurting, and many American’s are feeling the pain. It has affected so many people’s lives in so many ways, and even though many try to avoid it from happening, it affects the way their personal life plays out. It can start to change a person’s personality and many have even become bitter and difficult to live with. It is all in the way you look at it. While reading through news, I couldn’t help but to notice a quote “A recession is a terrible thing to waste.” There are many people out there today that are seeing that being laid off is the best thing that has ever happened to them. There are so many people stuck in jobs they hate anyway, so this can really be a liberating experience. Sometimes, being forced into a situation can be the best thing that ever happened. We are survivors, and when put in an unexpected situation, you can either survive, or let it consume and conquer you. There is opportunity everywhere, but one must be able to be optimistic. There is no reason not to be, unless you want to feel sorry for yourself. If you have been laid off, or are just unhappy, do yourself a favor, go out and take advantage of the endless opportunities in this world. Make the most of your life, and do what you want! Keep your head up through this difficult time, and only look forward to the endless possibilities.

Click here to read the article I came across, and to gain some tips on how to react after a lay off.

Will People Never Learn?

Money makes people do crazy things.  This is something that has been apparent since way before any of us were around.  It is sad that people are willing to risk their business, well being, friends, family, trust, life, and well, just about anything for money.  It is all too often that you read about conspiracy and fraud in today’s world.  Everyone thinks they can find a loophole, but let’s face it, almost everyone gets caught.  It just is not worth it, you can build yourself and your business with honesty, and most importantly, loyalty.  Yes, there are those who find the loopholes and get away with horrible things, but why would you want to live with that for your entire life?  The money is tainted, and when you look back, you cannot truly be proud of yourself.  It might be tempting and look like the easy way out, but always think about what it could bring to your future.  Never give in to dishonesty, live your life proudly and always look forward.

If you want to learn what NOT to do, check out this article.

House Sells Despite Bunny Infestation

You may remember a post I did a couple months back about a Playboy property being put on the market.  Well, it has been sold, and it could not have a more picturesque ending.  A 25-year-old (male) entrepreneur bought the property for a cool $18 million.  This property, which is owned by Hugh Hefner and his wife Kimberley, sits right next door to the infamous Playboy Mansion and was their personal residence for the past thirteen years.  The new owner, Daren Metropoulos, will be moving into his new 7,300 square-foot micro mansion as soon as possible, of course.  I am sure all of his friends will be visiting his new home to “keep him company”. The property includes a large motor court and a three-car garage and Metropoulos collects muscle cars, so I’m pretty sure this is the sole reason he chose to buy the property.

On a more serious note, the property really took a hit.  When it was first put on the market the listing price was almost $28 million.  We all know that the Playboy Company is struggling in this economy, so with a sold price $10 million under the asking price, it became even more apparent.  Hefner did not want to have to give up this home, but he had to for the company.  People are having to give a lot up in this economy, even celebrities!

If you want to learn how to thrive in this Real Estate market, click here.

Update on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

Have you been wondering what the heck is going to happen with the former king and queen of the mortgage industry?  Well, so has everyone else, including the Obama Administration.  They have been discussing what to do, and have yet to come up with what the future will hold for them.  But there is definitely progress, to say the least.  Some options include, returning them to their previous status as GSEs with the paired interests of maximizing returns for private shareholders and pursuing public policy home ownership goals, incorporating the GSEs functions into a federal agency, a conversion to providing insurance for covered bonds, gradual wind-down of their operations and liquidation of their assets, or the dissolution of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into numerous smaller companies.  Although the options are there, officials have stated that no one option is under strong consideration at the moment.  Under the “good bank/bad bank” resolution taxpayers could lose some of their $85 billion in Fannie and Freddie investments.  We will have to wait and see what happens, as the decision is not going to be made until early 2010.

What do you think should happen with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?