Growth vs. Profit – JT Foxx Strategies


It is so good to be on my comeback tour! This past weekend in South Africa we had over 1,700 people at my event, with people overflowing into the hallway outside the ballroom entrance and others sitting on the floor. It certainly looks like my strategies are working, and the reviews are off the charts. 

What is the key to success? 

This is the question everyone is asking me right now, including the lady sitting next to me who recognized me as I was headed to Poland to open up that market personally. My theme for 2014 was “It’s all about Growth,” yet we have hit a few bumps on the road along the way. I now believe I had the wrong strategy. After expanding in 29 countries worldwide, the idea remains that growth is important, but profit is a much more valuable measure. If you don’t manage your business based on facts, numbers, and statistics, you will fail. You can lie to yourself and talk about the what ifs and tell yourself it will get better, but the reality is that in business, the numbers never lie and they are a direct reflection of the all the decisions you have made. 

Click here for my audio explanation and a rundown of the world’s most successful companies and how they manage to profit more than grow. It’s a new shift for the second half of the year, and a strategy I am now employing. Here are some quick tips I explain further in the audio: 

1) Conceptual Implementation 
2) Small Speed Boat vs. Cruise Ship 
3) Sustainable Growth vs. Innovative Growth 
4) Prospects vs. Customers vs. Clients 
5) Your problem is not your idea, it’s your strategy. 
6) Sales are more important than marketing??? 
7) CEO Marketers vs. Marketing Companies. 

I really hope to see you on the JT Foxx Comeback Tour, but what warms my heart is the #FamilyFirst Day we did for our coaching students. I am still amazed at all the lives and businesses I have changed. I am in the final stages of finishing my book, and getting hundreds of success videos from clients of mine. 

If you want to come see me live click here

If you have been to one of my events, or are part of the family and want to be in my new book click here


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