Tagged: jt foxx success stories

JT Foxx, Donald Trump, Gordon Ramsay, Simon Cowell – Do They Belittle People?

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JT Foxx… the Simon Cowell of the Business World?

Here is the cold, hard truth. If what you are doing now has not gotten you to where you want to be, and you keep doing the same things over and over again expecting different results, that’s just plain insane.

Someone said that they heard from someone’s friend’s sister (see how crazy this is going to be) that I belittle people at events. Well, before I respond, you truly have to understand the three personalities of JT Foxx:

a. Stage JT Foxx
b. Business JT Foxx
c. Personal JT Foxx

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Leadership is defined by Tough Decisions


Tough Decisions Define Leadership

While on a recent flight I was reading Success magazine and came across an article that got me thinking…..how do you really become a great leader.  Some people are just born with leadership qualities and others really have to work at it.  But there is something that all leaders have the ability to do….

Make tough decisions

As a leader, boss, or manager there are always those decisions that aren’t going to be the popular choice but they have to be made.  If you have the mentality that you have to be everyone’s best friend you aren’t going to be the best leader to drive everyone forward.  So many people get hung up on worrying about what people will think about them and not wanting to be the “bad guy” and wanting to be everyone’s friend.

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