What an IDIOT!!!

Joe Biden

Barack Obama’s Vice Presidential running mate, Joe Biden says that paying higher taxes should be considered “patriotic” for wealthy Americans.

Yeah whatever!!!! Aren’t we supposed to be rewarded when we acheive the American Dream!!! Oh well, I guess you now know who you need to vote for in November…

Click here to read this article…

1-year halt to home foreclosures

Stupid Cat

You know the end of the world is coming when our politicians want to halt foreclosures for a year. This would surely hurt the banks and shareholders who have their IRA or money in these banks. But no one thinks of these people because in today’s economy if you have money you must have done something wrong. I thought we were suppose to be rewarded when strive for and acheive the American. You be the judge, leave me your thoughts and comments.

P.S. The cat pictured above is said to be working on this project


J.T. will talk about foreclosures

As promised J.T. will talk about foreclosures, marketing, and negotiation in tonight’s FREE teleconference. This will last about 60 minutes and JT will strictly talk about each of these at length and how it applies in today’s market.

J.T is getting ready, as well as his students, for one of his biggest buying sprees of properties well below market value. If you want to get SUPER RICH, foreclosure is where it is at. J.T is going to show you how he gets them STEP by STEP.

The call is TONIGHT at 8:00pm Central Time. Hurry and sign up because space is limited to only 100 on the call. Email Frank at [email protected] to sign up.

J.T is super excited to teach you his new techniques on how to make millions in today’s market through foreclosure.

See you tonight!!!

Participant/Guest Information
Date of Call: 9-10-08
Time of Call: 8pm Time Zone: Central Time

Dial 1-218-936-1024 and enter the Conference ID 235973 followed by # key.
If conference is not in session, system will put you on hold until the moderator arrives.

During the Conference

*3 – increase volume on the line
*6 – mute individual line
*7 – un-mute individual line
*9 – decrease volume on the line

To sign up for your Totally Free Conference service, go to http://specialdeal.myfreeteleconference.com/

Exciting News!!

Exciting News!!

Dear Friends!

We have recently added 5 more seats for our upcoming 360 event on September 19, 20, and 21st! Due to high demand, JT has decided to expand the class and add only 5 more seats!! Once these seats are filled, that is it!

At the 360 event, you can expect to learn
• How to negotiate with people in foreclosure
• How to protect yourself on knowing what to do and what not to do
• How to dominate the Chicago Market
• How to create effective marketing materials

PLUS!! – You will receive thousands of dollars in contracts and a copy of JT’s Marketing letter (which has a return success rate of over 40%) FOR FREE!! All of this is yours for attending!!


This event will be located in the O’Hare area and furthur details will be sent to you when you register! The dates of the event are September 19th, 20th, and 21st.

You do not want to miss this opportunity to enhance your learning and take control of your financial destiny!! It is proven that more than half of JT’s students start landing deals after they take this seminar! YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS IT!!

To register, email Frank at [email protected]


For this event only, JT has lowered the price. It is no longer available at $7,977. You get the 360 class and all of the additional bonuses for $3,997. To make payment arrangements and register for the event, email Frank at [email protected]

Take control of your financial destiny and learn how JT has landed over 500 Real Estate deals at this 360 event! DO NOT WAIT!! Join the thousands of other students and start landing the deals you want TODAY!
For more information and updates for this 360 event visit: www.360investors.com



My Friend The Internet Tycoon Joel Comm

Joel Comm

Last week I was in beautiful Napa Valley networking with some of the greatest speakers and authors of our time and one of the people I made an immediate connection with was Joel Comm. Some of you may know Joel as the guy who figured out how to make Google’s Adsense a money-pumping oil well and then turned around and wrote a New York Times best-selling book about it – The Adsense Code.

Many who implemented his recommendations and teachings have generated significant passive income which continues to this day. So when he told me he was releasing his new book this week, I wanted to make sure I got the word out to all my friends and students. If you have a business or have ever wanted to make money on the internet, then this new book is a must read. In the book he cornered over forty internet marketers and forced them to document how they began, what makes them tick, and also reveals:

– Why did they decide to start selling online?
– What were they doing before they started selling online?
– Were there any specific, duplicatable qualities that made them successful?

So if you’ve ever wished you could have a personal conversation with one of the top internet marketers and ask how they made the transition from “normal” life to Internet Marketing rock star, Joel has gone out and done it. Hear more about Joel’s story and his new book this weekend on the radio show and in the mean time you will definitely want to claim your copy
of this book at the link below.


J.T. Foxx


Today is a sad day, one of my first big time radio guests and friend Don Lafontaine passed away yesterday. Don was an icon and always came from a place of service. He will be missed dearly. My thoughts and prayers go with his wife Nita (who also was a guest on my show) and their 3 kids. Here is a copy of the article http://www.etonline.com/news/2008/09/64990/index.html

What!!! People Fear Success?

Real Estate

What is stopping you from getting what you want your life?

Your friends who don’t believe in you?

Your family who thinks you are wasting time and money trying to become wealthy?

Are these factors giving you a sense of failure before you even start. Is the thought of becoming successful makes you feel uncomfortable?

A sense that the people around you might disapprove or be jelous when you become successful.

In the end it all boils down to fear. The big roadblock, sometimes the massive wall in the middle of road that keeps you from getting what you want.

How to overcome it? Here´s some useful ways I have found so far.
Continue reading