Almost Sold Out

Sold Out

Hey guys I am very excited about this weekends event in Oakbrook, Illinois and LA next weekend. Both events are almost sold out with 13 seats left for the Oakbrook, Illinois event and 21 for the LA event. We got a BIG surprise for you all at the event and I am very excited to share my 2009 visions for the real estate. I am actually on my way to go take a look at great deal right now. Of course if we listen to the media, it all sucks and we should stay in bed. What a bunch of ignorant losers, thank God, we are not like that. If you guys want to register go to right now!

Huge Event This Weekend in Oakbrook, Illinois

Hey Everyone happy new year. We have a big event this weekend on January 10th & 11th and it is almost sold out. At this event I will teach you 25 ways to make a fortune in the middle of a recession and a 5 trillion dollar bailout. I will also disclose for the first time my investing strategy for 2009 in each of the local market I plan to investing in. We will also be talking about Apartments and Real Estate Internet Marketing. Check back the blog for pictures and video from my Costa Rica trip.
For more information and to register go to

Heading to Costa Rica and Getting Ready for 2009

Costa Rica

Not going to lie to you guys, I am exhausted and I am taking a surfing vacation in Costa Rica to recharge before the greatest buying opportunity of properties below market of our lives. So rest up because we have a lot to do in the new year and I am looking forward to doing it together. Wish you could all be here!
Happy New Year


When Idiots are at the Helm, We Make More Money!


A lot of people are living in homes they cannot afford and the do-godders are trying to force the tax payers and the government to help these people. What they are not realizing is that their programs do not work just like their subprime idea. Instead of helping people accept reality they bully us to accept these plans that are doomed to fail. Like I predicted most of the loan modifications do not work and they are just delaying the obvious. But this will only create more opportunities for us investors to get great deals and for more short sales. Here is the article that explains it all.

Read This Article…



To all my students and friends HAPPY HOLIDAYS. Get some rest now and start thinking about 2009 cause it is going to be a great year. Start planning and developing your blue print. Remember start thinking like a real estate strategist rather than a tactician. If you don’t know what these terms means come one of 2 day events in January because if you don’t you will be three steps behind. Thank you for believing in me and I promise to give you 150% of myself even though I plan on dractically reducing my speaking schedule. But don’t worry, we will make the best of the time we have together. Be safe and God Bless

Serious Update on J.T. Foxx's Health

Sorry guys for not updating you or having our weekly teleconference calls lastly. I have actually been very sick for the last 2 weeks and just now starting feeling better. I had bronchitis, Laryngitis and a sinus infection which made it impossible for me to speak. But after countless drugs I now have my voice back and looking forward to getting things back to normal. I will be heading out to Canada on Christmas Eve to see my family, friends and a few students. Then on the 27th I will be heading to Costa Rica for much deserved rest. I honestly can say between real estate, business, radio and teaching I really worked hard and pushed myself in 2008 but I believe that hard will pay off huge in 2009. I have laid a solid foundation to build the rest of my American Dream. I think 2009 will be my students and I biggest year of all time. This is not the time to slow down and like me you should push yourself hard because that hard work will pay off for many years to come. Many destinies will be shaped in the upcoming year and I promise to be there for you to help take it to the next level. Thanks for your patience and your prayers.

You’re Friend
J.T. Foxx

Barney Rubble's Mess

Typical politician shifting blame and not taking responsibility. This country’s economy is the hands of Barney! What do you think? As much as I think he is an idiot, he is going to make us a lot of money because it is entrepreneurs like you and I who are going to clean up his mess. Washington’s failure will become our greatest opportunities. So keep visiting the blog because I will update you with new opportunities for us to profit as they come.