Why Millionaires BRAND, and How to Copy Them


People often ask me what’s the difference between a successful entrepreneurs/Investors and those who are not. Many words come to my mind but one in particularly is BRANDING. Here are 5 level of branding

1.    Generalist
2.    Specialist/Expert
3.    Authority
4.    Successful
5.    Celebrity
6.    Celebrity Authority

Click here to Listen to a Quick Audio Explanation (click play at the top of the page)

Brand or Die…

You either leave in an ocean of sameness or a lake of differentiation. If you are not different and can’t stand out from a crowded market place it’s almost nearly impossible to differentiate yourself. Two of the best people I have meet at branding are Trump and Branson. Trump’s brand is luxury and exclusivity and Branson’s is more fun and renegade. Either way, the minute you put Trump or Virgin on any product it’s worth more. You can make the exact same product or service and be at the same quality but their names just boost their value.
Don’t worry on my comeback tour, I will be teaching you these and many more new insights I have developed over the past few months. Hurry we are almost full www.JTFoxxLive.com to register for Free.

When you are branded you earn more
When you are branded people buy again
When you are branded people pay more for your product or service
When you are branded people tell more people
When you are branded EVERYTHING CHANGES…

Don’t know how do you do this… Come see me live and I will do do the rest but if you don’t show how will you ever know how to become branded…. You or Company.

Press Play at the top of the page!!  And I will share with you how Richard Branson branded himself and whether it was him or his people. He told me on his island. The answer will shock you… It did for me. Enjoy

Here we GROW


  1. Graciela Blackstone

    The most amazing coaching concepts I have ever learned. I have now focused on my business’s monetary abilities better. Enhanced public awareness, and produced relational and creative capital. Thank you JT Foxx Oraganizations from- The Blackstone Amphitheater for Humanity and Conference Center- 501c3

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