The Return of Owner Financing in Residential and Commercial Real Estate

With the recent bailouts, foreclosure bill, new proposed budget and the new toxic mortgage rescue plan there is no doubt that this will change the way we invest forever. The numbers are scary as to what has happened in the last 2 years.
1) We lost $8 trillion in negative wealth effect from declining home values.
2) We lost $10 trillion negative wealth effect from weakened capital markets.
3) We lost $14 trillion in consumer debt load amid “exploding unemployment”, leading to “exploding bankruptcies.”
To make matters worse if you add the recent bank liquidity problems, like many you are probably asking yourself, what should I do in today’s market? Well I have devised a new blue print that could very well change the way you and I invest over the next 18 month. What my plan then?
In the 18 month I want you to learn how to invest in commercial and residential real estate with none of your own money and if you do have money you could put some of it in play but in a very safe and conservative environment. This will only yield you maximum profits but more importantly make you sleep better at night. But you can’t afford to sit on the sideline though because the opportunity is just too great. If you don’t take action now you will regret it for the rest of your life.
This is why on April 4th and 5th at the Sheraton Gateway in the O’Hare area I am going to unveil my new secrets for the 18 month based on the recent market data and trends which I have been studying very hard to try to give my students and I the trend that we need. The best part is that it is free and you will learn more in 2 days then you have ever before. I will be teaching the following topics:
a) Mindset
b) Instant Confidence
c) Millionaire Time management
d) Owner Financing in residential & commercial real estate
e) Master Lease Options for commercial real estate investors
f) Lease options as a purchasing technique for residential properties
g) New marketing and negotiating tip for today’s market
h) We will review your deal and have small strategy session.
i) Step by Step hold your hand education and much more!
You can’t afford to miss this FREE event on April 4th and 5th and true to form this event will probably be sold out again. We have 21 seats left so hurry and register.
Success is not a matter of chance but a matter of choice and this will be your opportunity to set yourself apart and create your own economy. In order to make that happen you must come to this weekend’s event and learn new crucial data to help you gain that real estate edge. See you this weekend!
P.S. Remember I bought and sold over 500 properties with none of my own money and I show you how I did this STEP BY STEP!
P.P.S. Don’t forget to check out my blog at
Your Partner and friend in Success
J.T. Foxx