Let's Go Shopping!!! Short Sales are the Future of Real Estate

Short Sale

I am excited for what the future holds. With all these banks upside down right now it is giving investors like you and I the ability to go shopping for great deals. The banks have two options

1) Re-do their loans for the distressed homeowner, which for some it will be good but for most they will end up right back in default or

2) Sell off to investors and take those bad debt off their books. There is no doubt the mortgage market is in shambles but caous creates opportunity. Most properties that the banks are holding on right that are in distress have no equity. Therefore the opportunity lies in buying these properties via doing a short sale, which means getting the bank to take less than what is owed. Go where the money is my friends because if you don’t you will be kicking yourself for many years to come.

Tonight I will be doing a free webinar on how to do short sales in today’s market. I will be teaching not only from the investors perspective but also as a business. Bottom line you need this tool on your belt and there is no better way than to start tonight at 8:00pm Chicago time. You must register below to attend.


See you tonight…

J.T. Foxx

Marketing Marketing Marketing

Without marketing any business will fail. People think that marketing is something that you have to acquire by getting a bunch of degrees or getting special training. I couldn’t agree less. Marketing is about giving people what they want as opposed of giving them what you think they want. Most marketers don’t connect with people and don’t spend time building that relationship with them. Relationship marketing is more important than any other form and one that also yields the highest return. Above is a clip of my last 360 Real Estate Investor Class where I spend time talking about Marketing. Enjoy.

House for $1.75


Source Yahoo! News

SAGINAW, Mich. – With a winning bid of just $1.75, a Chicago woman has won an auction for an abandoned home in Saginaw. Joanne Smith, 30, recently was the top bidder for the home during an auction on eBay, The Saginaw News reported. Her bid was one of eight for the home.

“I am going to try and sell it,” she told the newspaper. “I don’t have any plans to move to Saginaw.”

Smith said she hasn’t seen the property or visited Saginaw, which has been hard-hit by economic troubles in recent years.

There’s a notice on the door of the home saying a foreclosure hearing is pending, the newspaper said. She must pay about $850 in back taxes and yard cleanup costs.

Bailout Rewards Bad Behavior


What I really hate about this bailout is the idea that somehow us taxpayers have to bail the greedy stupid wall street clowns who treated our money like an open line of credit. If they commited FRAUD then go after them to the fullest extent of the law and bring justice to us taxpayers. There is a lot here we are not being told and I am not sure we will never know the whole truth. But you know that it is us the taxpayers who will be on the hook for this mess and will pay for it for years to come. The government can’t run social security, couldn’t run Katrina, can’t run FHA but somehow they will be able to run billions and billions dollar of debt and housing. Let me see if I got this right, the Senate is mad at congress because some how we have a problem buying bad debt that no one else wants. Let the free market prevail. Yes there will be bad times for the next year because of it but on the opposite spectrum it will be the greatest opportunity to buy investments. It’s amazing it takes months to approve a $2000 grant but weeks to approve 700 billion??? Give me a break. I say we turn over the country to Warren Buffett so we can start running this country as a business.

Jack Canfield Author from Chicken Soup for the Soul

Even the best still educate themselves. I met Jack Canfield author of Chicken Soup for the soul author at a seminar which like me was attending as a student. I sat next to him and he took over 100 pages of notes. I only took 35, so I feel really bad…lol. Watch this video and learn from a man who co-authored a book that sold over 140 million books. So don’t hold back and spend the money now and take advantage of the greatest time to make history. Don’t let anyone steal your destiny….

J.T. Foxx Comments about the Financial Meltdown

Here are my comments about the current financial meltdown that were filmed at the National Association of Real Estate Millionaires. The media wants us to think that it’s the end of the world yet billionaires and millionaires are out there are saying it’s the greatest time to accumulate great wealth. Who should we listen to? Well I don’t know about you but I’ll take my advice from people who are actually doing it out there in today’s market, not the media who is commenting on it. The only advice I have for all of you is to be careful and wait for the homerun deal. Look at every deal as if it was going to be one of 20 you make in your lifetime. Remember you are only as good as your last deal. Happy Investing

For more information about the National Association please visit www.jtfoxxandfriends.com

360 Real Estate Investor is a HIT…

Just want to to thank everyone for coming out to the 360 real estate investor event this past weekend. I had a blast and I think we really gew together and accomplished amazing things. The Larry Goins being punked was my highlight but the role playing was pretty awsome too. I am actually writing this blog post from my bed because I am sick. So whoever got my sick, I am going to hunt you down…lol…just kidding.

Thanks to everyone and lets go out there and make our dreams happen.

J.T. Foxx


The Eco-Bridge in Chicago

Eco Bridge

Source http://www.madarchitect.org/

A new sustainable project called the Eco- Bridge is about to get started. This new structure is destined to become a breakwater in the Monroe Harbor and also, will provide recreational spaces for city residents and for tourists.

The bridge will measure two miles and will calm the water to allow rowing and sailing, and will bound the opposite ends of Chicago’s center and the Grant Park. Into the Eco-Bridge, there will be integrated several wind turbines with the purpose of adding economic value and to put to account the “love” that Chicago has for sustainable structures. On center of the bridge there will be placed an observation tower where the visitors will see some incredible views of the city.

Click here to read this article…

J.T. Foxx goes one on one with Amando Montelongo

On the radio show this week, J.T. takes on Armando Montelongo reality TV star from Flip this House. Armando is a very brash but successful individual and you can surely expect fireworks when these two GIANT EGO’s collide. This week show will also feature Chet Homes who is one the worlds top experts on Sales and Marketing. After last week’s show with Jack Canfield (Chicken for the Soul) this could prove even bigger show. The show in the Midwest is at 10am central time and 2pm on Sunday’s on 560am www.560wind.com and in Southern California at 8am on 790am KABC or online at www.KABC.com

J.T. Foxx

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Last House Standing…

Last House

This is an amazing story of God’s will. This is the last house standing in Gilbert Texas after hurricane Ike, in fact this was the last house standing for miles. Whether it was God’s will or just science, one thing for sure is that this picture embodies what this current market has done to greedy and idiotic investors. Don’t worry in whatever market you plan on getting into business or real estate we will be the last one standing!!!!! This is our time so lets go out there and make it happen.

Click here to read this article…