Here Comes the Housing Stimulus

Housing Plan

WASHINGTON – Historically huge to begin with, economic stimulus legislation is growing larger by the day in the Senate, where the addition of a new tax break for homebuyers sent the price tag well past $900 billion.
“It is time to fix housing first,” Sen. Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., said Wednesday night as the Senate agreed without controversy to add the new tax break to the stimulus measure, at an estimated cost of nearly $19 billion.
The tax break was the most notable attempt to date to add help for the crippled housing industry and gave Republicans a victory as they work to remake the legislation more to their liking.
Democratic leaders hope for Senate passage of the legislation by Friday at the latest, although prospects appear to hinge on crafting a series of spending reductions that would make the bill more palatable to centrists in both parties.
Three swing-vote senators met with President Barack Obama at the White House on Wednesday to discuss possible cutbacks, but they declined to discuss details of their talks. Obama has made the legislation a cornerstone of his recovery plan.
For their part, Senate Republicans signaled they would persist in their efforts to reduce spending in the measure, to add tax cuts and reduce the cost of mortgages for millions of homeowners.
Officials figures were unavailable, but it appeared that the measure carried a price tag of more than $920 billion, making it bigger than the financial industry bailout that passed last year and as large as any measure in memory.
Despite bipartisan concerns about the cost, Republicans failed in a series of attempts on Wednesday to cut back the bill’s size. The most sweeping proposal, advanced by Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., would have eliminated all the spending and replaced it with a series of tax cuts. It was defeated 61-36.

Democrats also upheld a so-called Buy American provision that requires projects financed by the measure to be built with domestically produced iron and steel.
But with Obama voicing concern about the provision, the requirement was changed to specify that U.S. international trade agreements not to be violated.
Additionally, Democrats turned back an attempt to strip out a provision that Obama has said was essential. It would provide a tax cut of up to $1,000 for working couples, including those who do not make enough to pay income taxes.
Isakson said the new tax break for homebuyers was intended to help revive the housing industry, which has virtually collapsed in the wake of a credit crisis that began last fall.
The proposal would allow a tax credit of 10 percent of the value of new or existing residences, up to a $15,000 limit. Current law provides for a $7,500 tax break but only for first-time homebuyers. Isakson’s office said the proposal would cost the government an estimated $19 billion.

The provision was the second tax cut approved in as many days targeted to individual industries. On Tuesday, the Senate voted to give a break to consumers who buy new cars.
The House approved its own version of the bill last week.

Philly here I come!!!


I am very excited that I will be launching the next BIG event. It will be called “My 23 ways to earn $388,000 a year or more in real estate and become part of the countries top 1% earners.”

The event in Philadelphia is on Feb 7th & 8th

The event in Chicago will be on Feb 21st and 22nd

The event in California will on Feb 28th and March 1st.

I will be teaching brands new real estate teachniques at this event based on current market conditions and where I see the market going in 2009. You can;t afford to miss this as the last 6 events have been sold out.

Sign up at

Hello from Punta Cana in the Domincan

Punta Cana

Hey guys, I am writing you from Punta Cana and I am here with my students Adam and Mark. We are looking at properties and it’s been real fun. We are seeing really good deals and ones we should run as far as we can from them. It’s very interesting that despite the apparent bad economy, the resorts down here are full.
We took a helicopter ride this morning of the island and saw some great opportunities for the future. Below are some pictures that we took while we were in the air. Thank Adam because he is a much better photographer then me…lol.
I miss all of you guys but with the weather being 85, I am not looking forward to coming back…lol. See you in Philly!!!

Punta Cana
Punta Cana
Punta Cana

Buyer Beware of 1031 Exchanges


I saw this interesting article that should make you aware of what’s going in this economy in regards to 1031 exchanges. Even though it is the greatest time to get involved in real estate and business you have to be aware of companies who barely afloat that will take your money and then shut down. It happen to me so I speak from experience on this one guys.
Read this interesting article Click Here

Sking with Bill Bronchick and Student Mark in Colorado


Hey everyone i am in Colorado with very successful attorney and real estate investor Bill Bronchick. I went sking also with one my students and coach Mark. We had a great time and made some great video’s which I will be posting on Monday. After sking we went to gun range We had a great day and it’s nice to have great friends and students you can hang out with and do business. Who wants to go sking with me?

Mark Victor Hansen, LIVE on the Radio this Weekend at the Event!

Mark Victor Hansen, Author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, LIVE on the Radio this Weekend at the Event!

Mark Hansen

The event this weekend in LA is almost sold out. As a bonus I will be doing my radio show live from the event and we will be having best selling author Mark Victor Hansen. This will be a great opportunity to find out what 2009 holds for you. This is a must attend event and if you are interested go to

This is the HOTTEST event in California this weekend.!!! REGISTER NOW

Big Event this Weekend in LA


I am very excited to have a mega 2 day event this weekend. In my opinion the California market holds such promise now that prices have dropped so low. In fact there is a term in California real estate that has not been heard in years…. cash flow. So it’s time to get off the couch and start learning how to play the game in today’s market. The rules and its players have changed and if you want to acheive great wealth you are going to have to be very careful and know what you are doing. But don’t worry this weekend at the Shearton 4 points LAX I will show you step by step 25 ways to make a fortune in the middle of a recession and a 5 trillion dollar bailout. If you want to register for this event go to:

Finally Good News!!!

Good News

Mortgage applications surge!
Record low interest rates drive demand for home refinancing loans to highest level in more than five years.
(this is great news for the market. It is news like this that is going to bring confidence back to the market). The market needs good news right now to help people overcome their fear.

Click here to ready the article

More Real Estate Legislation, Good or Bad?

Hilary Clinton

You all know that a large part of the current real estate bubble explosition is that appraisiers where over inflating property values because of pressure from mortgage brokers and homeowners to hit their numbers. Washington now wants to ennact new legislation that would put a lot more laws and guidlines to restrict such activity. There is no doubt something has to be done but too much legislation could stiffle growth and end hurting the people it intends to protect, homeowners and investors. What do you think?
Read this interesting article Here

Robert Kiyosaki Interviewed LIVE at the Event this Weekend!!!!!!

Robert Kiyosaki

Hey everyone I am so excited I will be doing my radio show live from the event this weekend in Oakbrook, Illinois and will be doing the same the following week at the LA event with Mark Victor Hanson author of Chicken Soup for the Soul. This weekend I will be interviewing Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad and he will gave us his insights on what he thinks the market will be like in 2009. You will also be able to ask him questions live from the audience. This is very exciting so hesitate and register now for the event that will change your life.