New Age Lawsuit

A Chicago management company has sued a tenant for defamation over a TWITTER post!  The tweet read, “You should just come anyway.  Who said sleeping in a moldy apartment was bad for you?  Horizon realty thinks it’s okay.”  Horizon Group Management LLC is now looking for $50,000 from this tenant.  How did they find this post you might ask.  It seems a little odd that they would be checking up on their tenants on twitter.  But they discovered it while conducting due diligence on a residential landlord and tenant ordinance lawsuit filed by the woman who wrote the tweet.  She has since closed her account.  It is so bizarre to think about how these sights are so influential in our lives now.  Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, (etc.) are all sites that are checked when you are trying to find out things about people, and so many have gotten in trouble because of them.  I mean, employers are even checking up on them now!  So keep this in mind when you tweet.  The world is watching, or well, “following”.

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